@article{fdi:010070219, title = {{B}iogeochemical protocols and diagnostics for the {CMIP}6 {O}cean {M}odel {I}ntercomparison {P}roject ({OMIP})}, author = {{O}rr, {J}. {C}. and {N}ajjar, {R}. {G}. and {A}umont, {O}livier and {B}opp, {L}. and {B}ullister, {J}. {L}. and {D}anabasoglu, {G}. and {D}oney, {S}. {C}. and {D}unne, {J}. {P}. and {D}utay, {J}. {C}. and {G}raven, {H}. and {G}riffies, {S}. {M}. and {J}ohn, {J}. {G}. and {J}oos, {F}. and {L}evin, {I}. and {L}indsay, {K}. and {M}atear, {R}. {J}. and {M}c{K}inley, {G}. {A}. and {M}ouchet, {A}. and {O}schlies, {A}. and {R}omanou, {A}. and {S}chlitzer, {R}. and {T}agliabue, {A}. and {T}anhua, {T}. and {Y}ool, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {O}cean {M}odel {I}ntercomparison {P}roject ({OMIP}) focuses on the physics and biogeochemistry of the ocean component of {E}arth system models participating in the sixth phase of the {C}oupled {M}odel {I}ntercomparison {P}roject ({CMIP}6). {OMIP} aims to provide standard protocols and diagnostics for ocean models, while offering a forum to promote their common assessment and improvement. {I}t also offers to compare solutions of the same ocean models when forced with reanalysis data ({OMIP} simulations) vs. when integrated within fully coupled {E}arth system models ({CMIP}6). {H}ere we detail simulation protocols and diagnostics for {OMIP}'s biogeochemical and inert chemical tracers. {T}hese passive-tracer simulations will be coupled to ocean circulation models, initialized with observational data or output from a model spin-up, and forced by repeating the 19482009 surface fluxes of heat, fresh water, and momentum. {T}hese so-called {OMIP}-{BGC} simulations include three inert chemical tracers ({CFC}-11, {CFC}-12, {SF}6) and biogeochemical tracers (e.g., dissolved inorganic carbon, carbon isotopes, alkalinity, nutrients, and oxygen). {M}odelers will use their preferred prognostic {BGC} model but should follow common guidelines for gas exchange and carbonate chemistry. {S}imulations include both natural and total carbon tracers. {T}he required forced simulation (omip1) will be initialized with gridded observational climatologies. {A}n optional forced simulation (omip1-spunup) will be initialized instead with {BGC} fields from a long model spin-up, preferably for 2000 years or more, and forced by repeating the same 62-year meteorological forcing. {T}hat optional run will also include abiotic tracers of total dissolved inorganic carbon and radiocarbon, {C}-{T}(abio) and {C}-14({T})abio, to assess deep-ocean ventilation and distinguish the role of physics vs. biology. {T}hese simulations will be forced by observed atmospheric histories of the three inert gases and {CO}2 as well as carbon isotope ratios of {CO}2. {OMIP}-{BGC} simulation protocols are founded on those from previous phases of the {O}cean {C}arbon-{C}ycle {M}odel {I}ntercomparison {P}roject. {T}hey have been merged and updated to reflect improvements concerning gas exchange, carbonate chemistry, and new data for initial conditions and atmospheric gas histories. {C}ode is provided to facilitate their implementation.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eoscientific {M}odel {D}evelopment}, volume = {10}, numero = {6}, pages = {2169--2199}, ISSN = {1991-959{X}}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.5194/gmd-10-2169-2017}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070219}, }