@article{fdi:010070183, title = {{V}alues in motion : anti-counterfeiting measures and the securitization of pharmaceutical flows}, author = {{Q}uet, {M}athieu}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he past decade has seen an increase in anti-counterfeiting practices, especially in the pharmaceutical field. {T}hese practices aim at reducing the number of bad medicines available on the market, especially in countries where pharmaceutical regulation is still weak. {B}ut they have been accused of serving the interests of {B}ig {P}harma by reinforcing intellectual property instead of promoting better quality medicines. {B}ased on a study of the controversies provoked by anti-counterfeiting laws and devices, this paper analyses anti-counterfeiting politics and shows: (a) the aim of this mode of government is to discriminate between medicines in order to regulate the value attached to distribution processes and (b) the tensions and contradictions which characterize anti-counterfeiting discourses and practices. {A}s such, a central characteristic of pharmaceutical markets is the shift of value conflicts towards circulation and distribution rather than production. {T}he securitization of pharmaceutical flows, rather than being in addition to the production of pharmaceuticals, emerges as a new disputed way of producing economic value, legality and social legitimacy for globalized technical commodities such as medicines.}, keywords = {{P}harmaceuticals security ; socio-technical controversies ; {I}ndia ; {K}enya ; global health ; health activism ; {INDE} ; {KENYA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {C}ultural {E}conomy}, volume = {10}, numero = {2}, pages = {150--162}, ISSN = {1753-0350}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1080/17530350.2016.1258001}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070183}, }