@article{fdi:010070089, title = {{U}se of nighttime visible images in the study of the spatial and temporal variability of fishing areas of jumbo flying squid ({D}osidicus gigas) outside {P}eruvian {EEZ} 2004-2015}, author = {{P}aulino, {C}. and {A}roni, {E}. and {X}u, {H}. and {A}lburqueque, {E}. and {D}emarcq, {H}erv{\'e}}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e analyzed the temporal variability of the fishing fleet of {D}osidicus gigas, located outside the exclusive economic zone of {P}eru ({EEZ}), with a spatial luminosity index. {T}he nighttime satellite images were provided by the {O}perational {L}inescan {S}ystem ({DMSP}-{OLS}) from 2004 to 2015. 2995 images were processed, selecting pixels in the range of 30-63 {D}igital {N}umber ({DN}), to identify the presence of vessels in the image. {T}he time series showed an extensive latitudinal distribution of the fishing fleet from 6 degrees {S} to 32 degrees {S}, with years of low (2005-2009) and high (2004, 2010-2015) presence, describing a recurrent seasonal pattern of latitudinal displacement measured from its center of gravity ({CG}). {T}he {CG} reaches its southernmost position between {F}ebruary to {A}pril and its northernmost position between {A}ugust to {O}ctober. {S}ome vessels were also detected within the {P}eruvian {EEZ}. {T}he latitudinal inertia presented values of 0.3-1 indicating high fleet concentration between 12 degrees {S} to 17 degrees {S} and the longitudinal inertia presented values >2, showing the wide distribution of the resource. {L}uminous pixels showed high fishing occurrence (>18 times) on a single pixel, in front of {C}himbote around 9 degrees 51'{S}-82 degrees 31'{W} from 2004 to 2011. {F}rom 2012 to 2015 areas of high fishing occurrence increased in front of {H}uarmey (10 degrees 36'{S}/82 degrees 41'{W}) and {S}an {J}uan de {M}arcona (15 degrees 53'{S}/80 degrees 6'{W}). {F}or both periods, high intensity pixels ({DN} >60) show extensive areas of fishing operation between 9 degrees {S} to 20 degrees {S} along 200 nautical miles from the coast, while values between 30 and 45 {DN} could be mostly associated with the search for fishing zones. {S}ince 2012, pixels with {DN} >58 have increased, indicating a greater fishing activity likely related to a higher availability of the resource or a better knowledge of the fishing zones, associated with an increase of the fishing effort and a possible higher pressure on the resource.}, keywords = {{P}eru ; {D}osidicus gigas ; {EEZ} ; {DMSP}-{OLS} ; {PEROU} ; {PACIFIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}isheries {R}esearch}, volume = {191}, numero = {}, pages = {144--153}, ISSN = {0165-7836}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1016/j.fishres.2017.03.009}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070089}, }