@article{fdi:010070079, title = {{L}ong-term ground displacement observations using {I}n{SAR} and {GNSS} at {P}iton de la {F}ournaise volcano between 2009 and 2014}, author = {{C}hen, {Y}. and {R}{\'e}my, {D}ominique and {F}roger, {J}. {L}. and {P}eltier, {A}. and {V}illeneuve, {N}. and {D}arrozes, {J}. and {P}erfettini, {H}ugo and {B}onvalot, {S}ylvain}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}onitoring ground surface displacement of volcanoes over a long period of time helps improve understanding of the volcano structure, dynamics and mechanisms. {I}n this paper, we investigate the spatio-temporal behavior of the long-term displacement field at {P}iton de la {F}ournaise volcano (12 {R}eunion {I}sland) by means of {X}-band {I}n{SAR} and {GNSS} time series analysis from 2009 to 2014. {W}e propose a new correction approach based on principal component analysis to mitigate the long-wavelength artifact in the interferograms over the study area. {O}ur results show that most of the volcanic edifice including the {C}entral {C}one, the {E}astern {F}lank and recent lava flow fields was affected by varying degrees of ground motion. {M}ore importantly, a widespread sector (similar to 20 km(2)) affected by time-dependent downward and eastward motion was observed on the {E}astern {F}lank of {P}iton de la {F}ournaise. {T}he combined analysis of {I}n{SAR} and {GNSS} time series and previous studies allows us to confirm that this large mobile sector on the {E}astern {F}lank underwent deformation for at least 7 years following the end of the large {M}arch-{A}pril 2007 eruption, including a stage of transient strain from the end of eruption to {F}ebruary 2011, followed by a stage of steady-state strain until late 2014. {S}everal possible origins, including a pre-existing structural discontinuity, summit stress associated with magmatism, and activated fault movement are explored to explain the observed widespread long-term seaward motion that is considered to be direct evidence of potential flank instability.}, keywords = {{I}n{SAR} time series analysis ; {P}iton de la {F}ournaise ; {V}olcano ground ; displacement ; {I}n{SAR} artifact correction ; {F}lank displacement ; {REUNION} ; {PITON} {DE} {LA} {FOURNAISE} {VOLCAN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}emote {S}ensing of {E}nvironment}, volume = {194}, numero = {}, pages = {230--247}, ISSN = {0034-4257}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1016/j.rse.2017.03.038}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070079}, }