@article{fdi:010070074, title = {{T}he structural evolution of the {D}ial{\'e}-{D}al{\'e}rna basin, {K}{\'e}dougou-{K}{\'e}ni{\'e}ba {I}nlier, eastern {S}enegal}, author = {{D}iatta, {F}. and {N}diaye, {P}. {M}. and {D}iene, {M}. and {A}mponsah, {P}. {O}. and {G}anne, {J}{\'e}r{\^o}me}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {D}iale-{D}alema group is located in the eastern part of the {K}edougou-{K}enieba {I}nlier ({KKI}) and is essentially composed of {P}aleoproterozoic rock formations. {L}ithostructural studies in this area, hassuggested, often controversial, deformational regimes and geodynamic evolution models. {I}n this study, we suggest the existence of an initial tangential {D}-1 deformation and transpressional {D}-2 deformational phases. {D}-1 is characterized by an initial metamorphic schistosity denoted as {S}-1 and by {F}-1 folds with the main shortening stress direction generally oriented in {NW}-{SE} direction. {D}-2 in the study area is divided into two stages. {T}he first stage designated as {D}-2a is coaxial and compressive in nature. {I}t is characterized by a {N}-{S} to {NNE}-{SSW} trending metamorphic schistosity termed 5(2a). {T}he {D}-2a phase evolves gradually to a transcurrent phase connoted as {D}-2b and characterized by a {NNE}-{SSW} {S}-2b metamorphic schistosity which is axial planar to the {F}-2b folds with subvertical fold axes. {D}uring the {D}-2 phase, the main shortening stress direction rotates gradually in a clockwise motion from an {E}-{W} to a {NW}-{SE} direction within a continuum of deformation. {T}he third deformation phase {D}-3 in the {D}iale-{D}alerna basin, is also divided into two stages, thus {D}-3a and {D}-3b. {D}-3a is transcurrent and transtensive in nature and is characterized by {NE}-{SW} sinistral shear corridors with local extensional jogs. {D}uring this deformation stage, the maximum shortening stress (sigma(1)) direction acts in a {N}-{S} direction and rotate to a {NE}-{SW} direction, thereby creating a {N}-{S} transcurrent dextral shear corridors. {D}-3b component of the {D}-3 deformation is compressive in nature with a weak sinistral shear component. {T}he {D}-4 corresponds to a {N}-{S} extensional phase which is characterized by {E}-{W} directed normal faults. {D}-4 in the study area denotes the final stage of the evolution of the {E}burnean orogeny in the {KM}.}, keywords = {{S}tructural evolution ; {P}aleoproterozoic ; {D}iale-{D}alema ; {S}enegal ; {SENEGAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {A}frican {E}arth {S}ciences}, volume = {129}, numero = {}, pages = {923--933}, ISSN = {1464-343{X}}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2017.02.033}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070074}, }