%0 Journal Article %9 ACL : Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture répertoriées par l'AERES %A Grellier, S. %A Janeau, Jean-Louis %A Nhon, D. H. %A Cuc, N. T. K. %A Quynh, L. T. P. %A Thao, P. T. T. %A Nhu-Trang, T. T. %A Marchand, Cyril %T Changes in soil characteristics and C dynamics after mangrove clearing (Vietnam) %D 2017 %L fdi:010070064 %G ENG %J Science of the Total Environment %@ 0048-9697 %K Sediment properties ; Carbon stocks ; Soil CO2 fluxes %K VIET NAM %M ISI:000401201800068 %P 654-663 %R 10.1016/j.scitotenv2017.03.204 %U https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070064 %> https://www.documentation.ird.fr/intranet/publi/2017/06/010070064.pdf %V 593 %W Horizon (IRD) %X Of the blue carbon sinks, mangroves have one of the highest organic matter (OM) storage capacities in their soil due to low mineralization processes resulting from waterlogging. However, mangroves are disappearing worldwide because of demographic increases. In addition to the loss of CO2 fixation, mangrove clearing can strongly affect soil characteristics and C storage. The objectives of the present study were to quantify the evolution of soil quality, carbon stocks and carbon fluxes after mangrove clearing. Sediment cores to assess physico-chemical properties were collected and in situ CO2 fluxes were measured at the soil-air interface in a mangrove of Northern Vietnam. We compared a Kandelia candel mangrove forest with a nearby zone that had been cleared two years before the study. Significant decrease of clay content and an increase in bulk density for the upper 35 cm in the cleared zone were observed. Soil organic carbon (OC) content in the upper 35 cm decreased by >65% two years after clearing. The quantity and the quality of the carbon changed, with lower carbon to nitrogen ratios, indicating a more decomposed OM, a higher content of dissolved organic carbon, and a higher content of inorganic carbon (three times higher). This highlights the efficiency of mineralization processes following clearing. Due to the rapid decrease in the soil carbon content, CO2 fluxes at sediment interface were >50% lower in the cleared zone. Taking into account carbonate precipitation after OC mineralization, the mangrove soil lost similar to 10 MgOC ha(-1)yr(-1) mostly as CO2 to the atmosphere and possibly as dissolved forms towards adjacent ecosystems. The impacts on the carbon cycle of mangrove clearing as shown by the switch from a C sink to a C source highlight the importance of maintaining these ecosystems, particularly in a context of climate change. %$ 082 ; 068 ; 021