@article{fdi:010070062, title = {{G}eochemical transect through a travertine mount : a detailed record of {CO}2-enriched fluid leakage from {L}ate {P}leistocene to present-day - {L}ittle {G}rand {W}ash fault ({U}tah, {USA})}, author = {{F}rery, {E}. and {G}ratier, {J}. {P}. and {E}llouz-{Z}immerman, {N}. and {D}eschamps, {P}ierre and {B}lamart, {D}. and {H}amelin, {B}. and {S}wennen, {R}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}ctive and fossil endogenic travertine mounts scattered along the {L}ittle {G}rand {W}ash fault are studied as records of {Q}uaternary {CO}2-enriched fluid leakage. {T}his study focusses on a particular area where a fossil mount formed in a near-surface setting by successive circulation/sealing episodes from {L}ate {P}leistocene to {M}id-{H}olocene and where a modern surface travertine is still being formed by a {CO}2-enriched fluid source. {T}he fossil mount is composed of horizontal and vertical veins whereby the vertical veins recorded numerous cycles of circulation/sealing/dissolution events and were used as conduits for the {CO}2-enriched fluid circulation from the depth to the surface or along sub-horizontal fractures where successive precipitation events are recorded. {T}he modern travertine is being built at the surface by successive eruption of {C}rystal {G}eyser, an anthropic geyser active since the 1930's. delta {C}-13 and delta {O}-18 signatures and {U}/{T}h datings, ranging from 11.5 ky till present-day allows calibrating in detail the {CO}2-enriched fluid leakage along a single fault segment and in a post glacial context, as last glaciations in the study area took place 15 ky ago. {T}he dataset shows a high decrease of the oxygen stable isotope values till about 6 ky, then the variations reflect a constant range until present-day. {T}his tends to restrain the period of local increase of the meteoric water input in the aquifer that is sourcing the {CO}2-enriched water. {T}he fossil travertine represents a 7 ky-long record of {CO}2 leakage above a natural reservoir, from {L}ate {P}leistocene to {M}id-{H}olocene. {T}he flux of {CO}2 leakage through time and the total escaping volume have been computed and appears to be low in comparison with an anthropogenic leak provoked, for instance, by a non-sealed well.}, keywords = {{T}ravertine ; {CO}2-enriched fluids ; {L}eakage ; {U}/{T}h dating ; {O}xygen and carbon ; stable isotopes ; {V}ein growth rate ; {ETATS} {UNIS}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{Q}uaternary {I}nternational}, volume = {437}, numero = {{A}}, pages = {98--106}, ISSN = {1040-6182}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1016/j.quaint.2016.09.035}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070062}, }