@article{fdi:010070050, title = {{S}patial variation and risk assessment of trace metals in water and sediment of the {M}ekong {D}elta}, author = {{S}trady, {E}milie and {D}inh, {Q}. {T}. and {N}emery, {J}. and {N}guyen, {T}. {N}. and {G}u{\'e}dron, {S}t{\'e}phane and {N}guyen, {N}. {S}. and {D}enis, {H}. and {N}guyen, {P}. {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {M}ekong {D}elta, is home to 17 million inhabitants and faces numerous challenges relating to climate change, environmental degradation and water issues. {I}n this study, we assess trace metals concentrations ({A}l, {V}, {C}r, {M}n, {F}e, {C}o, {N}i, {C}u, {Z}n, {A}s, {M}o, {C}d, {H}g, {P}b) in the water, suspended particulate matter and surface sediments of the {T}ien {R}iver, the {N}orthern branch of the {M}ekong {D}elta, during both dry and rainy seasons. {M}etal concentrations in the dissolved and suspended particle phases remain in the low concentration range of the main {A}sian {T}ropical {R}iver. {D}uring transportation in the riverine part, we evidenced that {V}, {C}r, {C}o, {A}s and {P}b are dominant in the particulate phase while {M}o, {N}i and {C}u dominate in the dissolved fraction. {I}n the salinity gradient, dissolved {U}, {V}, {M}o exhibit conservative behaviour while {N}i, {C}u, {A}s, {C}o and {C}d showed additive behaviour suggesting desorption processes. {I}n the surface sediment, metal concentrations are controlled by the particle-size, {POC} contents and {F}e, {A}l and {M}n - oxy(hydr)oxides. {C}alculated {E}nrichment {F}actor and {G}eoaccumulation {I}ndex evidenced {A}s enrichment while the calculated mean effect range median quotients evidenced a low to medium ecotoxicological potential effects range in the surface sediments.}, keywords = {{M}ekong {D}elta ; {T}race metals ; {E}cotoxicological index ; {T}ropical river ; {E}stuary ; {VIET} {NAM} ; {MEKONG} {DELTA} ; {TIEN} {COURS} {D}'{EAU} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}hemosphere}, volume = {179}, numero = {}, pages = {367--378}, ISSN = {0045-6535}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.03.105}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070050}, }