@article{fdi:010070042, title = {{P}hylogeny and systematics of the {A}crapex apicestriata ({B}ethune-{B}aker, 1911) species complex ({L}epidoptera, {N}octuidae, {N}octuinae, {A}pameini, {S}esamiina) with the description of eight new species from the {A}frotropics}, author = {{L}e {R}ΓΌ, {B}runo and {C}apdevielle {D}ulac, {C}laire and {M}usyoka, {B}. {K}. and {P}allangyo, {B}. and {N}jaku, {M}. and {G}oftishu, {M}. and {A}ssefa, {Y}. and {S}ezonlin, {M}. and {O}ng'amo, {G}. and {K}ergoat, {G}. {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}welve morphologically similar species of {A}crapex {H}ampson 1894, ({L}epidoptera, {N}octuidae, {N}octuinae, {A}pameini, {S}esamiina), from {W}estern, {C}entral and {E}astern {A}frica are reviewed. {E}ight of these species are new to science and are described: {A}crapex akunamatatan. sp. and {A}. incrassata n. sp. from {K}enya; {A}. gracilis n. sp., {A}. iringa n. sp., {A}. lukumbura n. sp. and {A}. rungwe n. sp. from {T}anzania; {A}. soyema n. sp. from {E}thiopia; and {A}. zoutoi n. sp. from {B}enin. {A}ll 12 species belong to a species complex that we hereby define as the {A}crapex apicestriata group. {H}ost-plants for three of the new species are recorded: {S}etaria incrassata ({H}ochst.) {H}ack. for {A}crapex incrassata; {C}ymbopogon pospishilii ({K}. {S}chum.) {C}.{E}. {H}ubb. for {A}. rungwe; and {A}ndropogon perligulatus {S}tapf. for {A}. zoutoi. {W}e also conducted molecular phylogenetic analyses (using maximum likelihood and {B}ayesian inference) on a six gene multimarker molecular dataset (four mitochondrial and two nuclear gene fragments; 4581 nucleotides in length) consisting of 15 {A}crapex species (including seven species from the apicestriata group) and four outgroups species from the subtribe {S}esamiina (from genera {B}usseola {T}hurau 1904, {S}ciomesa {T}ams & {B}owden 1953, {P}irateolea {M}oyal, {L}e {R}u, {C}onlong, {C}ugala, {D}efabachew, {M}atama-{K}auma, {P}allangyo & {V}an den {B}erg 2010 and {S}esamia {B}oisduval & {G}uenee 1852). {B}oth maximum likelihood and {B}ayesian inference analyses yield a similar and well-supported topology, which supports the monophyly of the apicestriata group.}, keywords = {{H}ost-plants ; molecular phylogenetics ; morphology ; taxonomy ; {BENIN} ; {ETHIOPIE} ; {GUINEE} {BISSAU} ; {KENYA} ; {NIGERIA} ; {TANZANIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}nnales de la {S}oci{\'e}t{\'e} {E}ntomologique de {F}rance}, volume = {53}, numero = {2}, pages = {106--130}, ISSN = {0037-9271}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1080/00379271.2017.1320586}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070042}, }