@article{fdi:010070007, title = {{R}elationship between temperature and development rate of {C}opitarsia incommoda ({L}epidoptera : {N}octuidae) in the {B}olivian {A}ndes}, author = {{R}ebaudo, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {S}truelens, {Q}uentin and {C}ondori, {F}. {C}. and {Q}uispe, {R}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he relationship between temperature and development rate of {C}opitarsia incommoda {W}alker ({L}epidoptera: {N}octuidae), a major pest of the quinoa crop in the {A}ndes, was investigated using eight constant temperatures from 5.1 to 34.6 degrees {C}, on an artificial diet under laboratory conditions. {W}e used a {G}auss model to fit the survival rate, and the {H}olling type {III}, the {W}ang, and the {S}harpe and {D}e{M}ichele models to fit the different development rates for each life stage, among 25 models investigated and compared. {O}ptimum temperatures for survival were between 13.2 and 27.1 degrees {C}, and optimum temperatures for development were between 19.1 and 31.9 degrees {C}. {W}e used the development rate models with a large-scale temperature database to predict and map the risk of outbreaks once {C}. incommoda invades, using the number of generations per year, revealing that the pest was univoltine or bivoltine in most {B}olivian regions of quinoa production. {W}hile temperatures from this database underestimate the temperatures experienced by the pest, this study provides a new insight into {C}. incommoda physiology, which should be a key factor in designing integrated pest management strategies.}, keywords = {{T}emperature ; {D}evelopment ; {S}urvival ; {Q}uinoa ; {B}olivia ; {BOLIVIE} ; {ANDES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}pplied {E}ntomology and {Z}oology}, volume = {52}, numero = {2}, pages = {313--320}, ISSN = {0003-6862}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1007/s13355-017-0480-5}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070007}, }