@article{fdi:010069999, title = {{R}hizobacterial {P}seudomonas spp. strains harbouring acd{S} gene could enhance metallicolous legume nodulation in {Z}n/{P}b/{C}d mine tailings}, author = {{S}oussou, {S}. and {B}runel, {B}. and {P}ervent, {M}. and van {T}uinen, {D}. and {C}leyet-{M}arel, {J}. {C}. and {B}audoin, {E}z{\'e}kiel}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}hytostabilisation can benefit from phytostimulatory rhizobacteria. {F}orty-three bacterial strains were isolated from the roots of the metallicolous legume {A}nthyllis vulneraria ssp. carpatica grown in a highly contaminated mine tailing (total {C}d, {P}b and {Z}n were up to 1200; 34,000; and 170,000 mg kg(-1), respectively). {W}e aimed at evaluating their phytostimulatory effects on the development of leguminous metallophytes. {S}trains were screened for fluorescent siderophores and auxin synthesis, inorganic {P} solubilisation and 1-amino-cyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase ({ACC}d) activity to define a subset of 11 strains that were inoculated on the leguminous metallophytes {A}. vulneraria and {L}otus corniculatus grown in diluted mine spoil ({Z}n 34,653; {P}b 6842; and {C}d 242, all in mg kg-1). {A}ll strains were affiliated to {P}seudomonas spp. (except two), synthetised auxins and siderophores and solubilised {P} (except three), and seven of them were {ACC}d positive. {T}he inoculation effects (shoot-root-nodule biomass, chlorophyll content) depended on legume species and bacterial strain genotype. {P}hytostimulation scores were unrelated to siderophore/auxin synthesis and {P} solubilisation rates. {I}noculations of the strain nos. 17-43 triggered a 1.2-fold significant increase in the chlorophyll content of {A}. vulneraria. {C}hlorophyll content and root biomass of {L}. corniculatus were significantly increased following the inoculations of the strain nos. 17-22 (1.5-1.4-fold, respectively). {T}he strongest positive effects were related to increases in the nodule biomass of {L}. corniculatus in the presence of three {ACC}d-positive strains (1.8-fold), one of which was the highest auxin producer. {T}hese data suggest to focus on interactions between {ACC}d activity and auxin synthesis to enhance nodulation of metallicolous legumes.}, keywords = {{P}hytostabilisation ; {S}ymbiosis ; {P}hytostimulation ; {P}seudomonas ; {PGPR} ; {ACC} ; deaminase ; {FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{W}ater {A}ir and {S}oil {P}ollution}, volume = {228}, numero = {4}, pages = {art. 142 [15 p.]}, ISSN = {0049-6979}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1007/s11270-017-3309-5}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069999}, }