@incollection{fdi:010069957, title = {{A}pplications of remote sensing to the epidemiology of infectious diseases : some examples}, author = {{T}ran, {A}. and {K}assi{\'e}, {D}. and {H}erbreteau, {V}incent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}nfectious diseases are caused by a pathogenic microorganism (virus, bacterium, parasite or fungus) and have a significant impact on public and animal health. {I}n public health, they are one of the leading causes of death and are priorities in the poorest countries. {I}n animal health, they can be devastating and radical measures are taken to prevent them from spreading. {I}nfectious diseases therefore have major economic consequences, in terms of both healthcare and livestock production losses. {I}n recent decades, we have seen the emergence of a significant number of infectious diseases, such as chikungunya, avian influenza and {E}bola. {T}hese diseases have spread around the world all the more dramatically due to the rapid movement of populations and goods. {T}he majority of pathogenic agents responsible for these emergences are zoonotic (transmitted from animals to humans or vice versa). {T}here has also been a significant increase in vector-borne diseases – that is diseases whose pathogenic agent is transmitted through the intermediary of a vector. {V}ectors are arthropods (e.g. mosquitoes, fleas, sand flies and reduviid bugs) and acarids (e.g. ticks). {O}ne example is the mosquito {A}edes albopictus, more commonly known as the "tiger mosquito", which is a vector for the chikungunya and dengue viruses. {T}he geographical distribution of this mosquito is increasing year by year. {T}his species was responsible for the first indigenous cases of chikungunya in {F}rance in 2010.}, keywords = {{EPIDEMIOLOGIE} ; {TELEDETECTION} {SPATIALE} ; {AGENT} {PATHOGENE} ; {VECTEUR} ; {DISTRIBUTION} {SPATIALE} ; {SANTE} {PUBLIQUE} ; {ENVIRONNEMENT} ; {GESTION} {DU} {RISQUE} ; {GEOGRAPHIE} {DE} {LA} {SANTE}}, booktitle = {{L}and surface remote sensing : environment and risks}, numero = {}, pages = {295--315}, address = {{L}ondres ({GBR}) ; {O}xford}, publisher = {{ISTE} ; {E}lsevier}, series = {{R}emote {S}ensing {O}bservations of {C}ontinental {S}urfaces {S}et}, year = {2016}, ISBN = {97817855481055}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069957}, }