@article{fdi:010069886, title = {{T}idal characteristics of the gulf of {T}onkin}, author = {{N}guyen {N}guyet {M}inh and {M}archesiello, {P}atrick and {L}yard, {F}. and {O}uillon, {S}ylvain and {C}ambon, {G}ildas and {A}llain, {D}. and {D}inh {V}an {U}u}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {G}ulf of {T}onkin, situated in the {S}outh {C}hina {S}ea, is a zone of strong ecological, touristic and economic interest {I}mproving our knowledge of its hydro-sedimentary processes is of great importance to the sustainable development of the area. {T}he scientific objective of this study is to revisit the dominant physical processes that characterize tidal dynamics in the {G}ulf of {T}onkin using a high-resolution model and combination of all available data. {P}articular attention is thus given to model-data cross-examination using tidal gauges and coastal satellite altimetry and to model calibration derived from a set of sensitivity experiments to model parameters. {T}he tidal energy budget of the gulf (energy flux and dissipation) is then analyzed and its resonance properties are evaluated and compared with idealized models and observations. {T}hen, the tidal residual flow in both {E}ulerian and {L}agrangian frameworks is evaluated. {F}inally, the problem of tidal frontogenesis is addressed to explain the observed summer frontal structures in chlorophyll concentrations.}, keywords = {{MER} {DE} {CHINE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}ontinental {S}helf {R}esearch}, volume = {91}, numero = {}, pages = {37--56}, ISSN = {0278-4343}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.csr.2014.08.003}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069886}, }