@article{fdi:010069660, title = {{P}opulation structure of colonizing and invasive {S}taphylococcus aureus strains in northern {V}ietnam}, author = {{V}u, {B}. {N}. {T}. and {J}afari, {A}. {J}. and {A}ardema, {M}. and {T}ran, {H}. {K}. {T}. and {N}guyen, {D}. {N}. {T}. and {D}ao, {T}. {T}. and {N}guyen, {T}. {V}. and {T}ran, {T}. {K}. and {N}guyen, {C}. {K}. {T}. and {F}ox, {A}. and {B}anuls, {A}nne-{L}aure and {T}hwaites, {G}. and {N}guyen, {K}. {V}. and {W}ertheirn, {H}. {F}. {L}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}taphylococcus aureus is an important global health problem worldwide. {T}here is still scarce information on the population structure of {S}. aureus strains in {A}sia, where the majority of the world population lives. {T}his study characterized the diversity of {S}. aureus strains in northern {V}ietnam through multilocus sequence typing ({MLST}). {E}ighty-five carriage isolates from the community and 77 invasive isolates from the clinical setting were selected and tested for meticillin resistance and the presence of {P}anton {V}alentine leukocidin ({PVL}). {MLST} was performed on these isolates, of which {CC}59 (25.4 %), {CC}188 (17.3 %) and {CC}45 (16.7 %) were the predominant clonal complexes ({CC}s). {CC}59 carriage isolates had significantly lower rates of meticillin-resistant {S}. aureus ({MRSA}) than their corresponding clinical group isolates (32 vs 83 %). {T}here were no significant differences in rates of {MRSA} between carriage isolates and clinical isolates of {CC}45 and {CC}188. {CC}59 carriage isolates were significantly lower in rates of {PVL}+ than {CC}59 clinical isolates (32 vs 83 %), but the converse was shown in {CC}45 isolates (14 vs 0 %, respectively). {T}his study revealed vast differences in the molecular epidemiology and population structure of {S}. aureus in community and clinical settings in {V}ietnam. {N}evertheless, the data underline the spread of virulent and/or resistant strains ({MRSA} and/or {PVL}+) in the community, suggesting the necessity for further surveillance to determine the mechanism of transmission of these strains (i.e. {MRSA}/{PVL}+) outside clinical settings.}, keywords = {{VIET} {NAM}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {M}edical {M}icrobiology}, volume = {65}, numero = {4}, pages = {298--305}, ISSN = {0022-2615}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1099/jmm.0.000220}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069660}, }