@article{fdi:010069653, title = {{E}ffect of anthropisation and revegetation efforts on soil bacterial community structure in {T}erga sandpit, {A}lgeria}, author = {{I}lghihariz, {S}. and {L}ajudie, {P}hilippe de and {B}ekki, {A}. and {I}lghihariz, {Z}. and {D}uponnois, {R}obin and {R}eboulet, {J}. and {N}avarro, {E}lisabeth}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}mpact of anthropisation and revegetation on soil microbial diversity was studied by characterizing bacterial community structure in a sandpit located in {T}erga ({A}lgeria). {S}oil samples were collected from several sites: an undisturbed forest area with pristine vegetation, a site revegetated by the {N}ational {F}orest {S}ervices in 1998, a newly revegetated site by the introduction of two tree species ({T}etraclinis articulata and {S}chinus terebinthifolius) associated, or not, with two legume species ({R}etama monosperma and {L}otus creticus). {S}amples were collected from bulk and rhizospheric soil compartments during an18 month-period. {S}oil bacterial community structure was characterized by r{RNA} {I}ntergenic {S}pacer {A}nalysis ({RISA}) and statistical analysis. {C}oncerning revegetated sites, soil physicochemical analysis was performed just after plantation and after 18 months. {T}he plant effects on bacterial community structure differed among sites and plant species. {I}n pristine forest, bacterial community structures of bulk and rhizospheric soils are most similar, both in time and whatever the cover plant species. {I}n the recolonized site, no temporal change was observed, but plant, mayimpact bacterial community structure in rhizosphere. ‘{T}. articulata’ impacted bacterial community structure all along the temporal scale. {O}pposite, no significant effect of {S}. terebinthifolius was detected. {A} correlation between soil parameters and bacterial community structure was observed, suggesting that plant may drive bacterial community structure by providing nutriments and modifying soil physicochemical parameters. {T}hese results evidence the dynamics of microbial communities in response to revegetation efforts; registering microbial community evolution in time may help to select plant species with biological soil quality enhancing potential.}, keywords = {{ALGERIE} ; {ZONE} {SEMIARIDE} ; {TERGA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {B}iodiversity and {E}nvironmental {S}ciences}, volume = {9}, numero = {1}, pages = {283--295}, ISSN = {2220-6663}, year = {2016}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069653}, }