@article{fdi:010069652, title = {{N}odular bacterial endophyte diversity associated with native {A}cacia spp. in desert region of {A}lgeria}, author = {{B}oukhatem, {Z}.{F}. and {M}erabet, {C}. and {B}ekki, {A}. and {S}ekkour, {S}. and {D}omergue, {O}. and {D}uponnois, {R}obin and {G}aliana, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}ive species of {A}cacia ({A}cacia ehrenbergiana {H}ayne, {A}. nilotica ({L}.) {D}elile, {A}. seyal {D}elile, {A}. tortilis ({F}orssk.) {H}ayne and {A}. laeta {D}elile) indigenous to {T}amanrasset ({A}lgeria) were investigated for their nodulation status and nodular endophytic diversity. {A}. ehrenbergiana showed the highest nodulation ability across the different sites in this region, indicating the widespread occurrence of compatible rhizobia in the soils. {A}ltogether 81 strains were purified. {A}mong this endophytic strain collection, only four bacterial endophytes nodulated their respective host plants. {O}n the basis of partial 16{S} r{DNA} sequencing, they were affiliated to {E}nsifer sp., {E}nsifer teranga, {M}esorhizobium sp. and {R}hizobium sp. {A}mong the 79 non- symbiotic endophytes, 24 representative strains on the basis of {PCR}-{RFLP} profile obtained with {MSPI} enzyme digestion were characterized. {T}hey belonged to nine genera, namely: {P}aenibacillus, {O}chrobactrum, {S}tenotrophomonas, {P}seudomonas, {M}icrobacterium, {R}hizobium, {A}grobacterium, {B}revibacillus and {A}dvenella. {T}he isolated nodular endophytes in this study revealed a strong tolerance profile to salinity and high temperature. {P}rincipal component analysis confirmed that no correlation was found between bacterial tolerance to a maximum temperature of growth and soil depth of sampling. {T}his tolerance profile was distributed over the three levels of soil depth sampling: 20, 40 and 60 cm. {O}n the other hand, there was no relationship between in vitro tolerances of rhizobial strains to {N}a{C}l and high temperature and corresponding edaphoclimatic characteristics of the sampling sites. {T}his study is a contribution to nodular bacterial diversity knowledge of desert {A}frican {A}cacia species growing in preserved ecosystems.}, keywords = {{ALGERIE} ; {TAMANRASSET} ; {ZONE} {ARIDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}frican {J}ournal of {M}icrobiology {R}esearch}, volume = {10}, numero = {18}, pages = {634--645 (art. no 7{DBAC}6058391)}, ISSN = {1996-0808}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.5897/{AJMR}2015.7678}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069652}, }