@incollection{fdi:010069639, title = {{L}es soci{\'e}t{\'e}s marronnes en {G}uyane : rapport {\`a} l'histoire et modes d'int{\'e}gration}, author = {{J}olivet, {M}arie-{J}os{\'e}}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{M}aroon societies living in {F}rench {G}uiana do not share a single, common history, even though they were born in {S}uriname and share the experience of the "{F}irst {T}ime" founding period. ln the past, the {N}dyuka were led into a fight with the {A}luku ; today, all {A}luku are {F}rench citizens, whereas {N}dyuka or {S}aamaka are assigned immigrant status. {T}heir both common and divergent pasts shed light on the question of immigrant integration and its different modes - collective or individual.}, keywords = {{ANTHROPOLOGIE} {SOCIALE} ; {HISTOIRE} {COLONIALE} ; {MIGRATION} ; {GROUPE} {ETHNIQUE} ; {INTEGRATION} {SOCIALE} ; {NATION} ; {NATURALISATION} ; {GUYANE} {FRANCAISE}}, booktitle = {{S}oci{\'e}t{\'e}s marronnes des {A}m{\'e}riques : m{\'e}moires, patrimoines, identit{\'e}s et histoire du 17e au 20e si{\`e}cles}, numero = {}, pages = {691--700}, address = {{M}atoury}, publisher = {{I}bis {R}ouge}, series = {{E}space {O}utre-{M}er}, year = {2015}, ISBN = {978-2-84450-451-7}, ISSN = {1765-6621}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069639}, }