@article{fdi:010069548, title = {{I}mpact of accreditation training for residents on sonographic quality in gynecologic emergencies}, author = {{P}opowski, {T}. and {H}uchon, {C}. and {F}athallah, {K}. and {F}alissard, {B}. and {D}umont, {A}lexandre and {F}auconnier, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}bjectives-{T}o assess the impact of an educational intervention based on an original accreditation training program on the quality of emergency sonography performed by obstetrics and gynecology ({O}b/{G}yn) residents. {M}ethods-{W}e conducted a prospective before-after study on residents who performed bedside standardized sonographic examinations as first-line investigations in patients seen at our gynecologic emergency department. {I}n both periods, the residents followed a 1-hour class taught by a board-certified {O}b/{G}yn sonography expert (opinion leader) and received a written standardized imaging protocol. {A}n accreditation training process was implemented for the new residents at the beginning of the second period: 5 complete sonographic examinations were required for each resident, and facilitated feedback from the opinion leader was performed using a dedicated sonographic quality score. {D}uring both periods, all consecutive sonograms were collected and stored. {T}he primary outcome was the sonographic quality score. {A} mixed model for repeated measures was used to compare scores in both periods from 20 consecutive sonographic examinations performed by 5 residents who were different in each period. {R}esults-{T}he mixed model analysis showed an increase in quality scores in the post-accreditation training compared to the pre-accreditation training period (estimated coefficient +/- {SD}, 4.13 +/- 0.51; t = 8.16). {T}he sonographic examination order also had a significant effect in both periods (estimated coefficient +/- {SD}, 0.11 +/- 0.03; t = 3.99). {C}onclusions-{A}n accreditation training process including facilitated feedback from a local opinion leader improved the quality of sonographic examinations performed by {O}b/{G}yn residents in women presenting to a gynecologic emergency department.}, keywords = {accreditation ; gynecologic emergency ; residency training ; sonography ; ultrasound education}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {U}ltrasound in {M}edicine}, volume = {34}, numero = {5}, pages = {829--835}, ISSN = {0278-4297}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.7863/ultra.34.5.829}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069548}, }