@article{fdi:010069508, title = {{H}istorical biogeography of the highly diverse brown seaweed {L}obophora ({D}ictyotales, {P}haeophyceae)}, author = {{V}ieira, {C}. and {C}amacho, {O}. and {S}un, {Z}. {M}. and {F}redericq, {S}. and {L}eliaert, {F}. and {P}ayri, {C}laude and {D}e {C}lerck, {O}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he tropical to warm-temperate marine brown macroalgal genus {L}obophora ({D}ictyotales, {P}haeophyceae) recently drew attention because of its striking regional diversity. {I}n this study we reassess {L}obophora global species diversity, and species distributions, and explore how historical factors have shaped current diversity patterns. {W}e applied a series of algorithmic species delineation techniques on a global mitochondria) cox3 dataset of 598 specimens, resulting in an estimation of 98-121 species. {T}his diversity by far exceeds traditional diversity estimates based on morphological data. {A} multi-locus time calibrated species phylogeny using a relaxed molecular clock, along with {DNA}-confirmed species distribution data was used to analyse ancestral area distributions, dispersal-vicariance-founder events, and temporal patterns of diversification under different biogeographical models. {T}he origin of {L}obophora was estimated in the {U}pper {C}retaceous (-75 to -60 {MY}), followed by gradual diversification until present. {W}hile most speciation events were inferred within marine realms, founder events also played a non-negligible role in {L}obophora diversification. {T}he {C}entral {I}ndo-{P}acific showed the highest species diversity as a result of higher speciation events in this region. {M}ost {L}obophora species have small ranges limited to marine realms. {L}obophora probably originated in the {T}ethys {S}ea and dispersed repeatedly in the {A}tlantic (including the {G}ulf of {M}exico) and {P}acific {O}ceans. {T}he formation of the major historical marine barriers ({T}erminal {T}ethyan event, {I}sthmus of {P}anama, {B}enguela upwelling) did not act as important vicariance events. {L}ong-distance dispersal presumably represented an important mode of speciation over evolutionary time-scales. {T}he limited geographical ranges of most {L}obophora species, however, vouch for the rarity of such events.}, keywords = {{A}lgorithmic species estimation ; {A}ncestral area reconstruction ; {H}istorical biogeography ; {L}obophora ; {M}olecular dating}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}olecular {P}hylogenetics and {E}volution}, volume = {110}, numero = {}, pages = {81--92}, ISSN = {1055-7903}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ympev.2017.03.007}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069508}, }