@article{fdi:010069507, title = {{T}hrust tectonics in the {A}ndean retro-foreland basin of northern {P}eru : {P}ermian inheritances and petroleum implications}, author = {{C}alderon, {Y}. and {B}aby, {P}atrice and {H}urtado, {C}. and {B}russet, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n northern {P}eru, the {H}uallaga-{M}oyabamba-{M}arafion {S}ubandean foreland basin system results from the interaction between thin and thick-skinned tectonics. {G}eophysical data and the construction of two balanced cross-sections show that this structural configuration has been controlled by {P}ermian inheritances. {A} fossilized west-verging {M}iddle {P}ermian fold and thrust belt, which developed during the {G}ondwanide orogeny, has been partly reactivated by the {A}ndean compression and controlled thick-skinned tectonics propagation. {T}his west-verging thrust system is still active and causes the crustal and damaging seismicity of the {M}oyabamba region. {L}ate {P}ermian salt, which has sealed the {M}iddle {P}ermian fold and thrust belt, controlled thin-skinned tectonics propagation and the development of the must large overthrust of the {P}eruvian {S}ubandean zone. {T}he fossilized and partly reactivated {M}iddle {P}ermian fold and thrust belt constitutes a new petroleum play for the exploration in the northern {P}eruvian {S}ubandean basins. {S}ub-thrust traps of the {M}oyabamba and {H}uallaga wedge-top basins are particularly attractive but stay unexplored.}, keywords = {{T}hin and thick-skinned tectonics ; {S}ub-{A}ndes ; {P}aleozoic petroleum system ; {P}eru ; {G}ondwanide orogeny ; {S}alt ; {P}ermian ; {C}rustal seismicity ; {PEROU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}arine and {P}etroleum {G}eology}, volume = {82}, numero = {}, pages = {238--250}, ISSN = {0264-8172}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2017.02.009}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069507}, }