@article{fdi:010069499, title = {{F}actors for growth retardation in {HIV}-infected {S}enegalese children on antiretroviral treatment {T}he {ANRS} 12279 {MAGGSEN} pediatric cohort study}, author = {{C}ames, {C}{\'e}cile and {P}ascal, {L}{\'e}a and {D}iack, {A}. and {M}bodj, {H}. and {O}uattara, {B}. and {D}iagne, {N}. {R}. and {D}iallo, {N}. {F}. and {M}sellati, {P}hilippe and {M}baye, {N}. and {S}ignate, {H}. {S}. and {M}aggsen {C}ohort {S}tudy {G}roup}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}bjectives: {T}o describe prevalence and risk factors for wasting and stunting among {HIV}-infected children with a median duration of 3 years of antiretroviral therapy ({ART}) at the time of their enrollment in the cohort study. {M}ethods: {W}asting and stunting at {ART} initiation and enrollment were defined as weight-for-height/body mass index-for-age {Z} scores <-2 and height-forage {Z} scores <-2, respectively. {L}ogistic regression was used to assess risk factors for wasting and stunting. {M}ain predictive factors were age at enrollment, nutritional status and age (< or >= 5 years) at {ART} initiation and {ART} duration (< or >= 3 years on first-line, or >= 3 years including a switch to second-line {ART}). {R}esults: {T}wo hundred forty-four children 2-16 years of age were enrolled. {O}verall, wasting and stunting prevalence dropped off consistently in children 2-10 years of age, between {ART} initiation and enrollment, while it remained at high levels, 52% and 42%, respectively, in children 10-16 years of age. {R}isk factors for wasting at enrollment were {ART} duration of >= 3 years including a switch to second-line [adjusted odds ratio (a{OR}): 3.9, 95% confidence interval ({CI}): 1.7-8.9] and wasting at {ART} initiation (a{OR}: 2.7, 95% {CI}: 1.4-5.2). {T}he risk factor for stunting at enrollment was stunting at {ART} initiation (a{OR}: 11.6, 95% {CI}: 5.4-25.0), independent of {ART} duration. {C}onclusions: {M}alnutrition at the time of {ART} initiation was the main predictor of malnutrition at enrollment among {HIV}-infected children on {ART}. {L}onger duration on {ART} had no overall protective effect on wasting and stunting. {G}rowth and virologic monitoring are of utmost importance in the comprehensive care of children with {HIV} infection.}, keywords = {stunting ; wasting ; {HIV} infection ; children ; antiretroviral therapy ; {A}frica ; {SENEGAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}ediatric {I}nfectious {D}isease {J}ournal}, volume = {36}, numero = {4}, pages = {{E}87--{E}92}, ISSN = {0891-3668}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1097/inf.0000000000001454}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069499}, }