@article{fdi:010069446, title = {{T}argeted promoter editing for rice resistance to {X}anthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae reveals differential activities for {SWEET}14-inducing {TAL} effectors}, author = {{B}lanvillain-{B}aufum{\'e}, {S}ervane and {R}eschke, {M}. and {S}ole, {M}. and {A}uguy, {F}lorence and {D}oucoure, {H}. and {S}zurek, {B}oris and {M}eynard, {D}. and {P}ortefaix, {M}. and {C}unnac, {S}{\'e}bastien and {G}uiderdoni, {E}. and {B}och, {J}. and {K}oebnik, {R}alf}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}s a key virulence strategy to cause bacterial leaf blight, {X}anthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae ({X}oo) injects into the plant cell {DNA}-binding proteins called transcription activator-like effectors ({TALE}s) that bind to effector-binding elements ({EBE}s) in a sequence-specific manner, resulting in host gene induction. {TALE}s {A}vr{X}a7, {P}th{X}o3, {T}al{C} and {T}al5, found in geographically distant {X}oo strains, all target {O}s{SWEET}14, thus considered as a pivotal {TALE} target acting as major susceptibility factor during rice-{X}oo interactions. {H}ere, we report the generation of an allele library of the {O}s{SWEET}14 promoter through stable expression of {TALE}-nuclease ({TALEN}) constructs in rice. {T}he susceptibility level of lines carrying mutations in {A}vr{X}a7, {T}al5 or {T}al{C} {EBE}s was assessed. {P}lants edited in {A}vr{X}a7 or {T}al5 {EBE}s were resistant to bacterial strains relying on the corresponding {TALE}. {S}urprisingly, although indels within {T}al{C} {EBE} prevented {O}s{SWEET}14 induction in response to {BAI}3 wild-type bacteria relying on {T}al{C}, loss of {T}al{C} responsiveness failed to confer resistance to this strain. {T}he {T}al{C} {EBE} mutant line was, however, resistant to a strain expressing an artificial {SWEET}14-inducing {TALE} whose {EBE} was also edited in this line. {T}his work offers the first set of alleles edited in {T}al{C} {EBE} and uncovers a distinct, broader range of activities for {T}al{C} compared to {A}vr{X}a7 or {T}al5. {W}e propose the existence of additional targets for {T}al{C} beyond {SWEET}14, suggesting that {TALE}-mediated plant susceptibility may result from induction of several, genetically redundant, host susceptibility genes by a single effector.}, keywords = {bacterial leaf blight ; susceptibility gene ; genome engineering ; {TALEN} ; transgene-free plants}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lant {B}iotechnology {J}ournal}, volume = {15}, numero = {3}, pages = {306--317}, ISSN = {1467-7644}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1111/pbi.12613}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069446}, }