@article{fdi:010069432, title = {{O}n the identity of {C}lausena smyrelliana, and two new combinations in {C}-anisumolens ({A}urantioideae, {R}utaceae)}, author = {{M}olino, {J}ean-{F}ran{\c{c}}ois}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}lausena smyrelliana {F}orster (2000: 716) was described from several gatherings collected from a few plants growing in littoral microphyll vineforests of {S}outh-{E}ast {Q}ueensland, {A}ustralia. {B}ecause of its rarity and of severe threats on its natural habitat, it has been listed as `{E}ndangered' under {Q}ueensland's {N}ature {C}onservation {A}ct 1992 ({A}tlas of {L}iving {A}ustralia 2015). {H}owever, the combination of a long style (> 1/2 pistil length), lack of gynophore, straight staminal filaments, subcylindrical buds, and corymbiform inflorescence, excludes this species from {C}lausena {B}urman (1768: 87) and places it into {M}urraya {J}. {K}oenig (in {L}inne 1771: 554) ({M}olino 1994: 107). {A} close examination of figures in {F}orster (2000) and of images of type specimens (e.g. {F}ig. 1{B}) led me to propose the following new synonymy}, keywords = {{AUSTRALIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}hytotaxa}, volume = {298}, numero = {3}, pages = {296--299}, ISSN = {1179-3155}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.11646/phytotaxa.298.3.10}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069432}, }