@article{fdi:010069418, title = {{C}hromosome inversions and ecological plasticity in the main {A}frican malaria mosquitoes}, author = {{A}yala, {D}iego and {A}cevedo, {P}. and {P}ombi, {M}. and {D}ia, {I}. and {B}occolini, {D}. and {C}ostantini, {C}arlo and {S}imard, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric and {F}ontenille, {D}idier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}hromosome inversions have fascinated the scientific community, mainly because of their role in the rapid adaption of different taxa to changing environments. {H}owever, the ecological traits linked to chromosome inversions have been poorly studied. {H}ere, we investigated the roles played by 23 chromosome inversions in the adaptation of the four major {A}frican malaria mosquitoes to local environments in {A}frica. {W}e studied their distribution patterns by using spatially explicit modeling and characterized the ecogeographical determinants of each inversion range. {W}e then performed hierarchical clustering and constrained ordination analyses to assess the spatial and ecological similarities among inversions. {O}ur results show that most inversions are environmentally structured, suggesting that they are actively involved in processes of local adaptation. {S}ome inversions exhibited similar geographical patterns and ecological requirements among the four mosquito species, providing evidence for parallel evolution. {C}onversely, common inversion polymorphisms between sibling species displayed divergent ecological patterns, suggesting that they might have a different adaptive role in each species. {T}hese results are in agreement with the finding that chromosomal inversions play a role in {A}nopheles ecotypic adaptation. {T}his study establishes a strong ecological basis for future genome-based analyses to elucidate the genetic mechanisms of local adaptation in these four mosquitoes.}, keywords = {{A}nopheles ; chromosome inversions ; ecological divergence ; local adaptation ; parallel evolution ; {AFRIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}volution}, volume = {71}, numero = {3}, pages = {686--701}, ISSN = {0014-3820}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1111/evo.13176}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069418}, }