@article{fdi:010069398, title = {{D}iversity of lepidopteran stemborers and their parasitoids on maize and wild host plants in the rain forest of {K}isangani, {DR} {C}ongo}, author = {{K}ankonda, {O}. {M}. and {A}kaibe, {B}. {D}. and {O}ng'amo, {G}. {O}. and {L}e {R}u, {B}runo}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{L}epidopteran stemborers are considered as the most important insect pests of cereal crops in {S}ub-{S}aharan {A}frica. {H}owever, limited information exists on stemborers and their parasitoids in the rain forest of the {DR} {C}ongo. {I}n order to enhance the understanding of the pest ecology, sampling in both cultivated and wild habitats has been recommended as a bottom line to any action aiming at the design of pest management measures. {F}ollowing this recommendation, a survey was carried out in the rain forest of the {DR} {C}ongo on maize and wild host plants. {W}e collected eighteen stemborer and one earborer species belonging to 5 families. {F}ive species were found feeding on maize while 18 species fed on wild host plants. {B}usseola fusca was the commonest species feeding on maize which accounted for 50.1%. {A}t least 20 parasitoids species distributed as 15 species on maize and 16 species in the wild habitats were recovered during this study. {C}otesia sesamiae, {E}nicospilus ruscus and {S}turmiopsis parasitica accounted for 99.8% of interactions within parasitoid community. {O}ut of nineteen wild host plants encountered, {P}ennisetum purpureum and {V}ossia cuspidata were the most speciose grasses in terms of both parasitoids and stemborers. {T}he implications of such diversity and network structure are discussed.}, keywords = {{N}atural enemy ; {W}ild habitats ; {E}cological network ; {M}egathrysus maximus ; {G}uineo-{C}ongolian forest ; {REPUBLIQUE} {DEMOCRATIQUE} {DU} {CONGO}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}hytoparasitica}, volume = {45}, numero = {1}, pages = {57--69}, ISSN = {0334-2123}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1007/s12600-017-0561-6}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069398}, }