@article{fdi:010069379, title = {{R}hizobial diversity associated with the spontaneous legume {G}enista saharae in the northeastern {A}lgerian {S}ahara}, author = {{C}haich, {K}. and {B}ekki, {A}. and {B}ouras, {N}. and {H}oltz, {M}. {D}. and {S}oussou, {S}. and {M}aure, {L}. and {B}runel, {B}. and {L}ajudie, {P}hilippe de and {C}leyet-{M}arel, {J}. {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{G}enista saharae is an indigenous shrub legume that spontaneously grows in the northeastern {A}lgerian {S}ahara. {I}t is known for efficient dune fixation and soil preservation against desertification, due to its drought tolerance and its contribution to sustainable nitrogen resources implemented by biological {N}-2-fixation. {I}n this study, the root nodule bacteria of {G}. saharae were investigated using phenotypic and phylogenetic characterization. {A} total of 57 rhizobial strains were isolated from nodules from several sites in the hyper-arid region of {M}etlili and {T}aibet (east {S}eptentrional {S}ahara). {T}hey all nodulate {G}. saharae species but they differed in their symbiotic efficiency and effectiveness. {T}he genetic diversity was assessed by sequencing three housekeeping genes (atp{D}, rec{A} and 16{S} r{RNA}). {T}he majority of isolates (81 %) belonged to the genus {E}nsifer (previously {S}inorhizobium), represented mainly by the species {E}nsifer meliloti. {T}he next most abundant genera were {N}eorhizobium (17 %) with 3 different species: {N}. alkalisoli, {N}. galegae and {N}. huautlense and {M}esorhizobium (1.75 %) represented by the species {M}. camelthorni. {M}ost of the isolated strains tolerated up to 4%(w/v) {N}a{C}l and grew at 45 degrees {C}. {T}his study is the first report on the characterization of {G}. saharae microsymbionts in the {A}lgerian {S}ahara.}, keywords = {{R}hizobial diversity ; {S}pontaneous legume ; {G}enista saharae ; {N}-2-fixation ; {H}ousekeeping genes ; {A}lgerian {S}ahara ; {ALGERIE} ; {SAHARA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}ymbiosis}, volume = {71}, numero = {2}, pages = {111--120}, ISSN = {0334-5114}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1007/s13199-016-0414-y}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069379}, }