@article{fdi:010069377, title = {{N}o excess of cis-regulatory variation associated with intraspecific selection in wild pearl millet ({C}enchrus americanus)}, author = {{R}hon{\'e}, {B}{\'e}n{\'e}dicte and {M}ariac, {C}{\'e}dric and {C}ouderc, {M}arie and {B}erthouly, {C}{\'e}cile and {O}usseini, {I}. {S}. and {V}igouroux, {Y}ves}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}everal studies suggestthat cis-regulatory mutations are the favorite target of evolutionary changes, one reason being that cis-regulatory mutations might have fewer deleterious pleiotropic effects than protein-coding mutations. {A} review of the process also suggests that this bias towards adaptive cis-regulatory variation might be less pronounced at the intraspecific level compared with the interspecific level. {I}n this study, we assessed the contribution of cis-regulatory variation to adaptation at the intraspecific level using populations of wild pearl millet ({C}enchrus americanus ssp. monodii) sampled along an environmental gradient in {N}iger. {F}rom {RNA} sequencing of hybrids to assess allele-specific expression, we identified genes with cis-regulatory divergence between two parental accessions collected in contrasted environmental conditions. {T}his revealed that similar to 15% of transcribed genes showed cis-regulatory variation. {I}ntersecting the gene set exhibiting cis-regulatory variation with the gene set identified as targets of selection revealed no excess of cis-acting mutations among the selected genes. {W}e additionally found no excess of cis-regulatory variation among genes associated with adaptive traits. {A}s our approach relied on methods identifying mainly genes submitted to strong selection pressure or with high phenotypic effect, the contribution of cis-regulatory changes to soft selection or polygenic adaptive traits remains to be tested. {H}owever our results favor the hypothesis that enrichment of adaptive cis-regulatory divergence builds up over time. {F}or short evolutionary time-scales, cis-acting mutations are not predominantly involved in adaptive evolution associated with strong selective signal.}, keywords = {allele-specific expression ; cis-regulation ; environmental gradient ; local adaptation ; {C}enchrus americanus ; selection ; {NIGER}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}enome {B}iology and {E}volution}, volume = {9}, numero = {2}, pages = {388--397}, ISSN = {1759-6653}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1093/gbe/evx004}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069377}, }