@article{fdi:010069376, title = {{S}patio-temporal variability of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in the {R}hone {R}iver delta and the {F}os-{M}arseille marine area ({NW} {M}editerranean {S}ea, {F}rance)}, author = {{F}erretto, {N}. and {T}edetti, {M}arc and {G}uigue, {C}. and {M}ounier, {S}. and {R}aimbault, {P}. and {G}outx, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he spatio-temporal variability of fluorescent dissolved organic matter ({FDOM}) and its relationships with physical (temperature, salinity) and chemical (nutrients, chlorophyll a, dissolved and particulate organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus) parameters were investigated in inland waters of the {R}hone {R}iver delta and the {F}os-{M}arseille marine area (northwestern {M}editerranean, {F}rance). {S}amples were taken approximately twice per month in two inland sites and three marine sites from {F}ebruary 2011 to {J}anuary 2012. {FDOM} was analysed using fluorescence excitation-emission matrices ({EEM}s) coupled with parallel factor analysis ({PARAFAC}). {I}n inland waters, humic-like components {C}1 (lambda({E}x)/lambda({E}m): 250 (330)/394 nm) and {C}3 (lambda({E}x)/lambda({E}m): 250 (350)/454 nm) dominated over one tryptophan-like component {C}2 (lambda({E}x)/lambda({E}m): 230 (280)/340 nm), reflecting a background contribution of terrigenous material (similar to 67% of total fluorescence intensity, in quinine sulphate unit ({QSU})) throughout the year. {I}n marine waters, protein-like material, with tyrosine-like {C}4 (lambda({E}x)/lambda({E}m): <220 (275)/<300 nm) and tryptophan-like {C}5 (lambda({E}x)/lambda({E}m): 230 (280)/342 nm), dominated (similar to 71% of total fluorescence intensity, in {QSU}) over a single humic-like component {C}6 (lambda({E}x)/lambda({E}m): 245 (300)/450 nm). {I}n inland waters of the {R}hone {R}iver delta, humic-like components {C}1 and {C}3 were more abundant in autumn-winter, very likely due to inputs of terrestrial organic matter from rainfalls, runoffs and wind-induced sediment resuspension. {I}n marine sites, intrusions of the {B}erre {L}agoon and {R}hone {R}iver waters had a significant impact on the local biogeochemistry, leading to higher fluorescence intensities of humic-and protein-like components in spring-summer. {O}n average, the fluorescence intensities of {FDOM} components {C}4, {C}5 and {C}6 increased by 33-81% under lower salinity. {T}his work highlights the complex dynamics of {FDOM} in coastal waters and confirms the link between marine {FDOM} and the {R}hne {R}iver freshwater intrusions on larger spatial and temporal scales in the {F}os-{M}arseille marine area.}, keywords = {{D}issolved organic matter ; {F}luorescence ; {PARAFAC} ; {R}hone {R}iver ; {V}accares ; pond ; {B}ay of {M}arseille ; {M}editerranean {S}ea ; {FRANCE} ; {MEDITERRANNEE} ; {RHONE} {DELTA} ; {MARSEILLE} ; {FOS} ; {VACCARES} ; {BERRE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}nvironmental {S}cience and {P}ollution {R}esearch}, volume = {24}, numero = {5}, pages = {4973--4989}, ISSN = {0944-1344}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1007/s11356-016-8255-z}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069376}, }