@article{fdi:010069375, title = {{C}an toxicants used against cotton mealybug {P}henacoccus solenopsis be compatible with an encyrtid parasitoid {A}enasius bambawalei under laboratory conditions ?}, author = {{B}adshah, {H}. and {U}llah, {F}. and {C}alatayud, {P}aul-{A}ndr{\'e} and {U}llah, {H}. and {A}hmad, {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he cotton mealybug, {P}henacoccus solenopsis {T}insley ({S}ternorrhyncha: {P}seudococcidae) is a serious pest of various cultivated plants in {P}akistan. {R}ecent reports show that the parasitoid {A}enasius bambawalei {H}ayat ({H}ymenoptera: {E}ncyrtidae) is a good biocontrol agent of the pest. {C}ompatibleness is important in any {IPM} programme, and the insecticide used must have little or no effects on the biological control agent. {T}his study investigated the compatibility of neem treatments and a commercial insecticide, imidacloprid on {A}. bambawalei. {B}ioassays were laid out in a completely randomized design ({CRD}) under laboratory conditions. {R}esults showed that the adult stage of the parasitoid was more susceptible to the commercial insecticide imidacloprid than the concealed pupal stage. {M}oreover, on the basis of the {I}nternational {O}rganization for {B}iological {C}ontrol ({IOBC}) toxicity categories of the commercial insecticide, imidacloprid was moderately toxic throughout the study period ({E}x >80%) while neem was slightly toxic after 24 h of use ({E}x <80%). {R}esults also suggest that {A}. bambawalei release should be delayed for at least 1 week after neem treatments. {B}ecause imidacloprid destroys {A}. bambawalei, it might cause resurgence of {P}. solenopsis; thus, farmers should avoid integrating the insecticide in the control of {P}. solenopsis.}, keywords = {{N}eem extracts ; {S}olvents ; {IPM} ; {A}enasius bambawalei}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}nvironmental {S}cience and {P}ollution {R}esearch}, volume = {24}, numero = {6}, pages = {5857--5867}, ISSN = {0944-1344}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1007/s11356-016-8293-6}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069375}, }