@article{fdi:010069358, title = {{P}hylogenetic analysis and systematics of the {A}crapex unicolora {H}ampson species complex ({L}epidoptera, {N}octuidae, {N}octuinae, {A}pameini), with the description of five new species from the {A}frotropics}, author = {{L}e {R}ΓΌ, {B}runo and {C}apdevielle {D}ulac, {C}laire and {M}usyoka, {B}. {K}. and {P}allangyo, {B}. and {N}jaku, {M}. and {M}ubenga, {O}. and {C}hipabika, {G}. and {N}demah, {R}. and {B}ani, {G}. and {M}olo, {R}. and {O}n{G}'{A}mo, {G}. and {K}ergoat, {G}. {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}en morphologically similar species of {A}crapex {H}ampson, 1891 ({L}epidoptera, {N}octuidae, {N}octuinae, {A}pameini) from {C}entral and {E}astern {A}frica are reviewed, including five new species: {A}crapex kafula le {R}u sp. nov., {A}. kavumba le {R}u sp. nov., {A}. kiakouama le {R}u sp. nov., {A}. miscantha le {R}u sp. nov. and {A}. simillima le {R}u sp. nov. {E}vidence is provided to transfer the monotypic genus {P}oecopa {B}owden, 1956 to the genus {A}crapex. {H}ost plants of five species are recorded, some of them for the first time. {A}crapex kavumba sp. nov., {A}. miscantha sp. nov. and {A}. simillima sp. nov. were found on one host plant each. {A}crapex mediopuncta, previously reported in {W}est {A}frica from {P}ennisetum purpureum {S}chumach., {R}ottboellia compressa {L}., {S}etaria megaphylla ({S}teud) {D}ur. & {S}chinz. and {S}orghum arundinaceum ({D}esv.) {S}tapf, was only found from {S}. megaphylla in {C}entral {A}frica. {L}arvae of {A}crapex unicolora were collected on {A}ndropogon gayanus {K}unth, {C}hrysopogon zizanoides ({L}.) {R}oberty, {C}ymbopogon schoenanthus subsp. proximus ({H}ochst. ex {A}. {R}ich.) {M}aire & {W}eller, {C}ymbopogon pospischiilii ({K}. {S}chum.) {C}. {E}. {H}ubb., {H}yparrhenia diplandra ({H}ack.) {S}tapf and {S}etaria sphacelata ({S}chumach.) {M}oss. {W}e also conducted molecular phylogenetic analyses (using maximum likelihood) and molecular species delimitation analyses on a comprehensive sample of 61 specimens belonging to eight of the studied species. {M}olecular phylogenetic analyses provided additional evidence of the synonymy of {A}crapex and {P}oecopa, whereas molecular species delimitation analyses support the validity of the five newly described species and unravel another potential new species, only collected in the larval stage.}, keywords = {{A}crapex ; {A}frotropical {R}egion ; {A}pameini ; {N}octuidae ; {S}esamiina ; {CAMEROUN} ; {KENYA} ; {CONGO} ; {TANZANIE} ; {OUGANDA} ; {ZAMBIE} ; {REPUBLIQUE} {DEMOCRATIQUE} {DU} {CONGO}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}uropean {J}ournal of {T}axonomy}, volume = {270}, numero = {}, pages = {1--36}, ISSN = {2118-9773}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.5852/ejt.2017.270}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069358}, }