@article{fdi:010069356, title = {{C}ontribution of different antiretroviral regimens containing zidovudine, lamivudine and ritonavir-boosted lopinavir on {HIV} viral load reduction during pregnancy}, author = {{S}ripan, {P}atumrat and {L}e {C}oeur, {S}. and {I}ngsrisawang, {L}. and {C}ressey, {T}. {R}. and {B}ouazza, {N}. and {F}oissac, {F}. and {N}go-{G}iang-{H}uong, {N}icole and {T}raisathit, {P}. and {S}rirompotong, {U}. and {A}yudhaya, {O}. {P}. {N}. and {P}uangsombat, {A}. and {J}ungpipun, {J}. and {J}ittayanun, {K}. and {T}reluyer, {J}. {M}. and {J}ourdain, {G}onzague and {L}allemant, {M}arc and {U}rien, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {A}ntiretroviral ({ARV}) regimens used for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of {HIV} have evolved over time. {W}e evaluated the contribution of different {ARV} regimens on the reduction of the plasma {HIV} {RNA} viral load ({VL}) during pregnancy. {M}ethods: {A} total of 1,833 {VL} measurements from {ARV}-naive pregnant women participating in perinatal prevention trials in {T}hailand were included. {W}omen received either zidovudine ({ZDV}) monotherapy, {ZDV} plus lopinavir/ritonavir ({LPV}/r), or {ZDV} plus lamivudine (3{TC}) plus {LPV}/r. {VL} time-course during pregnancy was described as a function of pretreatment {VL} and treatment duration using an {E} max non-linear mixed-effect model. {VL} reduction and median time to achieve a {VL}< 50 copies/ml were estimated for each regimen. {R}esults: {A}mong 745 women, 279 (37%), 145 (20%) and 321 (43%) received {ZDV} monotherapy, {ZDV}+ {LPV}/r and {ZDV}+ 3{TC}+ {LPV}/r, respectively. {T}he predicted {VL} reduction from baseline to delivery after a median of 10 weeks of treatment were 0.5, 2.7 and 2.9 log 10 copies/ml with {ZDV} monotherapy, {ZDV}+ {LPV}/r and {ZDV}+ 3{TC}+ {LPV}/r, respectively. {A}t delivery, 1%, 57% and 63% of women receiving {ZDV} monotherapy, {ZDV}+ {LPV}/r or {ZDV}+ 3{TC}+ {LPV}/r had a {VL}< 50 copies/ml. {T}he addition of 3{TC} to {ZDV}+ {LPV}/r reduced the time to achieve a {VL}< 50 copies/ml and the higher the pretreatment {VL}, the larger the effect 3{TC} had on reducing the time to {VL}< 50 copies/ml. {C}onclusions: {T}he addition of 3{TC} to {ZDV}+ {LPV}/r was associated with a slight further {VL} reduction but the time to reach a {VL}< 50 copies/ml was shorter. {T}his beneficial effect of 3{TC} is crucial for prevention of mother-to-child transmission in women who receive {ARV}s late and with high pretreatment {VL}.}, keywords = {{THAILANDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}ntiviral {T}herapy}, volume = {21}, numero = {5}, pages = {435--440}, ISSN = {1359-6535}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.3851/imp3001}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069356}, }