@article{fdi:010069334, title = {{M}ineral dust over west and central {S}ahel : seasonal patterns of dry and wet deposition fluxes from a pluriannual sampling (2006-2012)}, author = {{M}articorena, {B}. and {C}hatenet, {B}. and {R}ajot, {J}ean-{L}ouis and {B}ergametti, {G}. and {D}eroubaix, {A}. and {V}incent, {J}. and {K}ouoi, {A}. and {S}chmechtig, {C}. and {C}oulibaly, {M}. and {D}iallo, {A}. and {K}on{\'e}, {I}. and {M}aman, {A}. and {N}diaye, {T}. and {Z}akou, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}otal and wetmineral dust deposition has beenmonitored since 2006 at three {S}ahelian stations in {S}enegal, {M}ali, and {N}iger, respectively at the weekly and the event time scale. {A}verage annual deposited mass fluxes range from 75 to 183 gm(-2) yr(-1), from west to east. {D}eposition fluxes exhibit a clear seasonal cycle in {M}ali and {N}iger. {H}igh wet deposition fluxes result from an optimum phasing between dust concentration and precipitation: the maximum occurring at the beginning of the wet season, after the maximum of dust concentration and before the precipitation maximum. {T}he contribution of wet to total deposition varies from 67% in {M}ali to 8% in {S}enegal. {I}t is the main factor of variability of the deposition fluxes from year to year and at the seasonal scale in {N}iger and {M}ali. {W}et deposition fluxes in {M}ali and {N}iger are mainly due to the wash out of dust emitted by convective systems. {I}n {S}enegal, the deposition fluxes are lower and dominated by dry deposition (92% of the annual deposition flux). {T}his is due to the low occurrence of convective systems producing local dust emissions and intense wet deposition. {T}he dry deposition fluxes are primarily driven by the variability of the dust concentration. {T}he dry deposition velocities derived from our measurements are consistent with those estimated by theoretical models. {S}cavenging ratios computed from the measured wet deposition fluxes, dust concentrations, and precipitation are anticorrelated with precipitation amounts. {T}his suggests that most of the atmospheric dust is scavenged at the very beginning of the precipitation events.}, keywords = {{SENEGAL} ; {MALI} ; {NIGER} ; {ZONE} {SAHELIENNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch : {A}tmospheres}, volume = {122}, numero = {2}, pages = {1338--1364}, ISSN = {2169-897{X}}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1002/2016jd025995}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069334}, }