@article{fdi:010069294, title = {{L}ife cycle assessment of three {P}eruvian fishmeal plants : toward a cleaner production}, author = {{F}r{\'e}on, {P}ierre and {D}urand, {H}. and {A}vadi, {A}. and {H}uaranca, {S}. and {M}oreyra, {R}. {O}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}ishmeal and fish oil are largely used as input to several animal feed industries all around the world, but there is a lack of life cycle assessments ({LCA}s) on {P}eruvian fishmeal plants, despite their predominance in the global supply. {LCA}s where performed on three different types of {P}eruvian fishmeal plants with the objective of comparing them and suggesting ways of limiting their impacts. {T}he {LCA} results can be nested into {LCA}s of animal feed. {T}wo system boundaries were used: one including the fishery and another excluding it in order to enable other practitioners to use our generic life cycle inventory ({LCI}) data and {LCI} analysis. {T}he effects of different processing rates and qualities of fishmeal on environmental impacts were compared. {W}e used the {S}ima{P}ro software, the ecoinvent 2.2 database and the {R}e{C}i{P}e method. {I}n contrast to many {LCA} studies, the construction and maintenance phases were considered. {D}espite the predominant impact of the use phase, in particular consumption of fossil energy, these two phases contribute significantly (>10% using the {R}e{C}i{P}e single score) when fishing is excluded from the system boundaries. {F}urthermore, existing screening {LCA}s of the use phase largely underestimate (similar to 20%) its environmental impacts. {T}he environmental benefit of using natural gas instead of heavy fuel as energy source, in terms of reduced impacts, is huge, reaching 41% of the {R}e{C}i{P}e single score when fishing is excluded and 30% when included. {T}he comparison of environmental impacts between different qualities of fishmeal shows higher impacts of residual fishmeal, intermediate impact of standard fishmeal and lower impacts of {P}rime fishmeal, the difference between extreme values being more than twofold. {F}uture studies on other fishmeal and residual fishmeal plants should take into account the construction and maintenance phases, and more items in the use phase than in historical screenings. {T}here is room to decrease the environmental impact of this industry in {P}eru.}, keywords = {{A}nimal feed ; {C}leaner production ; {F}isheries ; {F}ishmeal ; {F}ish oil ; {P}eruvian anchovy ; {PEROU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {C}leaner {P}roduction}, volume = {145}, numero = {}, pages = {50--63}, ISSN = {0959-6526}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.01.036}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069294}, }