Publications des scientifiques de l'IRD

Schwartz S., Gautheron C., Audin Laurence, Dumont T., Nomade J., Barbarand J., Pinna-Jamme R., van der Beek P. (2017). Foreland exhumation controlled by crustal thickening in the Western Alps. Geology, 45 (2), p. 139-142. ISSN 0091-7613.

Titre du document
Foreland exhumation controlled by crustal thickening in the Western Alps
Année de publication
Type de document
Article référencé dans le Web of Science WOS:000396124600015
Schwartz S., Gautheron C., Audin Laurence, Dumont T., Nomade J., Barbarand J., Pinna-Jamme R., van der Beek P.
Geology, 2017, 45 (2), p. 139-142 ISSN 0091-7613
In alpine-type collision belts, deformation of the foreland may occur as a result of forward propagation of thrusting and is generally associated with thin-skinned deformation mobilizing the sedimentary cover in fold-and-thrust belts. Locally, foreland deformation can involve crustal-scale thrusting and produce large-scale exhumation of crystalline basement resulting in significant relief generation. In this study, we investigate the burial and exhumation history of Tertiary flexural basins located in the Western Alpine foreland, at the front of the Digne thrust sheet (southeast France), using low-temperature apatite fission-track and (U-Th)/He thermochronology. Based on the occurrence of partially to totally reset ages, we document 3.3-4.0 km of burial of these basin remnants between ca. 12 Ma and 6 Ma, related to thinskinned thrust-sheet emplacement without major relief generation. The onset of exhumation is dated at ca. 6 Ma and is linked to erosion associated with significant relief development. This evolution does not appear to have been controlled by major climate changes (Messinian crisis) or by European slab breakoff. Rather, we propose that the erosional history of the Digne thrust sheet corresponds to basement involvement in foreland deformation, leading to crustal thickening. Our study highlights the control of deep-crustal tectonic processes on foreland relief development and its erosional response at mountain fronts.
Plan de classement
Géologie et formations superficielles [064]
Description Géographique
Fonds IRD [F B010069285]
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