@article{fdi:010069278, title = {{G}enomic characterization of {E}nsifer aridi, a proposed new species of nitrogen-fixing rhizobium recovered from {A}sian, {A}frican and {A}merican deserts}, author = {{L}e {Q}u{\'e}r{\'e}, {A}ntoine and {T}ak, {N}. and {G}ehlot, {H}. {S}. and {L}avire, {C}. and {M}eyer, {T}. and {C}hapulliot, {D}. and {R}athi, {S}. and {S}akrouhi, {I}. and {R}ocha, {G}. and {R}ohmer, {M}. and {S}everac, {D}. and {F}ilali-{M}altouf, {A}. and {M}unive, {J}. {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {N}itrogen fixing bacteria isolated from hot arid areas in {A}sia, {A}frica and {A}merica but from diverse leguminous plants have been recently identified as belonging to a possible new species of {E}nsifer ({S}inorhizobium). {I}n this study, 6 strains belonging to this new clade were compared with {E}nsifer species at the genome-wide level. {T}heir capacities to utilize various carbon sources and to establish a symbiotic interaction with several leguminous plants were examined. {R}esults: {D}raft genomes of selected strains isolated from {M}orocco ({M}erzouga desert), {M}exico ({B}aja {C}alifornia) as well as from {I}ndia ({T}har desert) were produced. {G}enome based species delineation tools demonstrated that they belong to a new species of {E}nsifer. {C}omparison of its core genome with those of {E}. meliloti, {E}. medicae and {E}. fredii enabled the identification of a species conserved gene set. {P}redicted functions of associated proteins and pathway reconstruction revealed notably the presence of transport systems for octopine/nopaline and inositol phosphates. {P}henotypic characterization of this new desert rhizobium species showed that it was capable to utilize malonate, to grow at 48 degrees {C} or under high p{H} while {N}a{C}l tolerance levels were comparable to other {E}nsifer species. {A}nalysis of accessory genomes and plasmid profiling demonstrated the presence of large plasmids that varied in size from strain to strain. {A}s symbiotic functions were found in the accessory genomes, the differences in symbiotic interactions between strains may be well related to the difference in plasmid content that could explain the different legumes with which they can develop the symbiosis. {C}onclusions: {T}he genomic analysis performed here confirms that the selected rhizobial strains isolated from desert regions in three continents belong to a new species. {A}s until now only recovered from such harsh environment, we propose to name it {E}nsifer aridi. {T}he presented genomic data offers a good basis to explore adaptations and functionalities that enable them to adapt to alkalinity, low water potential, salt and high temperature stresses. {F}inally, given the original phylogeographic distribution and the different hosts with which it can develop a beneficial symbiotic interaction, {E}nsifer aridi may provide new biotechnological opportunities for degraded land restoration initiatives in the future.}, keywords = {{R}hizobium-legume symbiosis ; {E}nsifer ; {D}esert ; {A}daptation ; {C}omparative genomics ; {AFRIQUE} ; {ASIE} ; {AMERIQUE} ; {MAROC} ; {MEXIQUE} ; {INDE} ; {ZONE} {ARIDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{BMC} {G}enomics}, volume = {18}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 85 [24 p.]}, ISSN = {1471-2164}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1186/s12864-016-3447-y}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069278}, }