@article{fdi:010069274, title = {{B}are soil hydrological balance model "{MHYSAN}" : calibration and validation using {SAR} moisture products and continuous thetaprobe network measurements over bare agricultural soils ({T}unisia)}, author = {{G}orrab, {A}. and {S}imonneaux, {V}incent and {Z}ribi, {M}. and {S}aadi, {S}. and {B}aghdadi, {N}. and {C}habaane, {Z}. {L}. and {F}anise, {P}ascal}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he present study highlights the potential of multi-temporal {X}-band {S}ynthetic {A}perture {R}adar ({SAR}) moisture products to be used for the calibration of a model reproducing soil moisture ({SM}) variations. {W}e propose the {MHYSAN} model ({M}odele de bilan {HY}drique des {S}ols {A}gricoles {N}us) for simulating soil water balance of bare soils. {T}his model was used to simulate surface evaporation fluxes and {SM} content at daily time scale over a semi-arid, bare agricultural site in {T}unisia ({N}orth {A}frica). {T}wo main approaches are considered in this study. {F}irstly, the {MHYSAN} model was successfully. calibrated for seven sites using continuous thetaprobe measurements at two depths. {T}hen the possibility to extrapolate local {SM} simulations at distant sites, based on soil texture similarity only, was tested. {T}his extrapolation was assessed using {SAR} estimates and manual thetaprobe measurements of {SM} recorded at these distant sites. {T}he results reveal a bias of approximately 0.63% and 3.04%, and an {RMSE} equal to 6.11% and 4.5%, for the {SAR} volumetric {SM} and manual thetaprobe measurements, respectively. {I}n a second approach, the {MHYSAN} model was calibrated using seven very high-resolution {SAR} ({T}erra{SAR}-{X}) {SM} outputs ranging over only two months. {T}he simulated {SM} were validated using continuous thetaprobe measurements during 15 months. {A}lthough the {SM} was measured on only seven different dates for the purposes of calibration, satisfactory results were obtained as a result of the wide range of {SM} values recorded in these seven images. {T}his led to good overall calibration of the soil parameters, thus demonstrating the considerable potential of {S}entinel-1 images for daily soil moisture monitoring using simple models.}, keywords = {{B}are soil hydrological model ; {S}atellite soil moisture products ; {S}emi-arid area ; {C}ontinuous soil moisture measurements ; {TUNISIE} ; {ZONE} {SEMIARIDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {A}rid {E}nvironments}, volume = {139}, numero = {}, pages = {11--25}, ISSN = {0140-1963}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jaridenv.2016.12.005}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069274}, }