@article{fdi:010069253, title = {{G}eology of the world-class {K}iaka polyphase gold deposit, {W}est {A}frican {C}raton, {B}urkina {F}aso}, author = {{F}ontaine, {A}. and {E}glinger, {A}. and {A}da, {K}. and {A}ndre-{M}ayer, {A}. {S}. and {R}eisberg, {L}. and {S}iebenaller, {L}. and {L}e {M}ignot, {E}. and {G}anne, {J}{\'e}r{\^o}me and {P}oujol, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {K}iaka gold deposit is a major resource in {W}est {A}frica, with measured and indicated resources of 124 {M}t at 1.09 g/t {A}u (3.9 {M}oz) and inferred resources of 27 {M}t at 0.83 g/t {A}u (0.8 {M}oz). {L}ocated within the {M}anga-{F}ada {N}'{G}ourma greenstone and plutonic belt in south of the {B}urlcina {F}aso, the deposit is hosted by a metamorphosed volcano-sedimentary sequence of lithic-, quartz-biotite metagreywackes, aluminosilicate-bearing metapelites and garnet-orthopyroxene-bearing schists and volcanic units. {S}tructural observations indicate four local deformation events: {DK}1, {DK}2 and {DK}3 and {DK}4. {R}espectively, these events are linked to regional {D}-1 {E}-{W} compression, {D}-2 {NW}-{SE} compression and lastly, {D}-3 and {D}-4-related reactivations along {D}-2 shear zones. {T}he {S}-2 foliation and {D}-2 shear zones are developed during lower amphibolite fades metamorphism whereas retrogression occurs during {D}3-4 reactivations along these shear zones at upper greenschist fades conditions. {T}he emplacement of a dioritic intrusion, dated at 2140 +/- 7 {M}a ({C}oncordia {U}-{P}b age on magmatic zircon), is interpreted to be contemporaneous with sinistral displacement along mineralized, {NE}-trending {D}-2 shear zones. {T}he intersection of these shears zones and the {M}arkoye shear zone (dextral-reverse {D}-1 and sinistral-reverse {D}2 reactivations) controlled the final geometry of the host rocks and the ore zones. {F}our subparallel elongated ore bodies are mainly hosted within {D}-2-related shear zones and some are developed in an apparent axial plane of a {F}-2 isoclinal fold. {D}etailed petrographic studies have identified two main types of hydrothermal alteration associated with two stages of gold mineralization. {T}he stage (1) corresponds to replacement zones with biotite and clinozoisite during the {D}-2 event associated with pyrrhotite pyrite, chalcopyrite (disseminated gold stage). {T}he stage (2) occurs during reactivations of the {D}-2-related auriferous shear zones (vein stage) and is characterized by diopside +/- actinolite {D}-3 veins and veinlets and {D}-4 pervasive muscovite, chlorite, calcite in quartz-carbonate vein selvages and associated with pyrrhotite arsenopyrite electrum, native gold and tellurobismuthite. {T}he latter stage (2) could be divided into two sub-stages based on mineralogy and crosscutting relationship. {A} weighted average {R}e-{O}s pyrrhotite age at 2157 +/- 24 {M}a ({R}e-{O}s age based on 3 replicates) constraints the timing of the disseminated gold stage and represents the first absolute age for gold mineralization in the {M}anga {F}ada {N}'{G}ourma area. {T}he timing of gold at {K}iaka may be also coeval with one of the two lode gold event at similar to ca. 2.16-2.15 {G}a and occurred concomitant with tectono-thermal activity during {E}o-{E}burnean orogeny. {T}he study of the {K}iaka gold deposit emphasizes the importance of a multi-scale and multidisciplinary and geochronology) to decipher the approach (field observations, petrography geothermobarometry polyphase' character of some {P}aleoproterozoic gold deposits.}, keywords = {{O}rogenic gold deposit ; {E}burnean orogeny ; {M}etamorphism ; {M}agmatism ; {B}irimian volcano-sedimentary belt ; {U}-{P}b and {R}e-{O}s geochronology ; {BURKINA} {FASO}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {A}frican {E}arth {S}ciences}, volume = {126}, numero = {}, pages = {96--122}, ISSN = {1464-343{X}}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2016.11.017}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069253}, }