@article{fdi:010069250, title = {{A}ncient heavy metal contamination in soils as a driver of tolerant {A}nthyllis vulneraria rhizobial communities}, author = {{M}ohamad, {R}. and {M}aynaud, {G}. and {L}e {Q}u{\'e}r{\'e}, {A}ntoine and {V}idal, {C}. and {K}lonowska, {A}gnieszka and {Y}ashiro, {E}. and {C}leyet-{M}arel, {J}. {C}. and {B}runel, {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}nthyllis vulneraria is a legume associated with nitrogen-fixing rhizobia that together offer an adapted biological material for mine-soil phytostabilization by limiting metal pollution. {T}o find rhizobia associated with {A}nthyllis at a given site, we evaluated the genetic and phenotypic properties of a collection of 137 rhizobia recovered from soils presenting contrasting metal levels. {Z}n-{P}b mine soils largely contained metal-tolerant rhizobia belonging to {M}esorhizobium metallidurans or to another sister metal-tolerant species. {A}ll of the metal-tolerant isolates harbored the cad{A} marker gene (encoding a metal-efflux {PIB}-type {ATP}ase transporter). {I}n contrast, metalsensitive strains were taxonomically distinct from metal-tolerant populations and consisted of new {M}esorhizobium genospecies. {B}ased on the symbiotic nod{A} marker, the populations comprise two symbiovar assemblages (potentially related to {A}nthyllis or {L}otus host preferences) according to soil geographic locations but independently of metal content. {M}ultivariate analysis showed that soil {P}b and {C}d concentrations differentially impacted the rhizobial communities and that a rhizobial community found in one geographically distant site was highly divergent from the others. {I}n conclusion, heavy metal levels in soils drive the taxonomic composition of {A}nthyllis-associated rhizobial populations according to their metal-tolerance phenotype but not their symbiotic nod{A} diversity. {I}n addition to heavy metals, local soil physicochemical and topoclimatic conditions also impact the rhizobial beta diversity. {M}esorhizobium communities were locally adapted and site specific, and their use is recommended for the success of phytostabilization strategies based on {M}esorhizobium-legume vegetation. {IMPORTANCE} {P}hytostabilization of toxic mine spoils limits heavy metal dispersion and environmental pollution by establishing a sustainable plant cover. {T}his ecofriendly method is facilitated by the use of selected and adapted cover crop legumes living in symbiosis with rhizobia that can stimulate plant growth naturally through biological nitrogen fixation. {W}e studied microsymbiont partners of a metaltolerant legume, {A}nthyllis vulneraria, which is tolerant to very highly metal-polluted soils in mining and nonmining sites. {S}ite-specific rhizobial communities were linked to taxonomic composition and metal tolerance capacity. {T}he rhizobial species {M}esorhizobium metallidurans was dominant in all {Z}n-{P}b mines but one. {I}t was not detected in unpolluted sites where other distinct {M}esorhizobium species occur. {G}iven the different soil conditions at the respective mining sites, including their heavymetal contamination, revegetation strategies based on rhizobia adapting to local conditions are more likely to succeed over the long term compared to strategies based on introducing less-well-adapted strains.}, keywords = {symbiotic nitrogen fixation ; metal tolerance ; multilocus sequence ; analysis ; nodulation gene ; {PIB}-type {ATP}ase ; {A}minobacter ; {M}esorhizobium ; phytostabilization ; {FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}pplied and {E}nvironmental {M}icrobiology}, volume = {83}, numero = {2}, pages = {e01735--16 [13 p.]}, ISSN = {0099-2240}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1128/aem.01735-16}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069250}, }