@article{fdi:010069210, title = {{C}rustal structure and magmato-tectonic processes in an active rift ({A}sal-{G}houbbet, {A}far, {E}ast {A}frica) : 1. {I}nsights from a 5-month seismological experiment}, author = {{D}oubre, {C}. and {M}anighetti, {I}. and {D}orbath, {C}atherine and {D}orbath, {L}ouis and {J}acques, {E}. and {D}elmond, {J}. {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e seek to characterize how magmatic and tectonic activities combine and interact during the continental rifting process. {W}e address this question in two companion papers. {I}n both, we analyze the seismicity that occurs in an active magmato-tectonic rift, {A}sal-{G}houbbet ( {E}ast {A}frica), to identify the features and/or processes responsible for its activity. {H}ere, we report results from a 5-month experiment that we conducted in the rift. {E}leven seismometers were deployed to complement the eight-station permanent network. {T}his allowed recording similar to 400 earthquakes in the rift; 200 events could be well located ( precision <40 m) and used in a tomographic inversion. {F}ocal mechanisms were also determined for 71 events. {T}he results show that current activity in the rift is mainly magmatically induced or accommodated. {A} similar to 2-km-wide pipe of hot rock is evidenced below the central {F}ieale-{S}hark {B}ay volcanic complex, likely above a deeper (>5-6 km) magma reservoir. {M}ost events concentrate at the roof of the pipe ( at 3-4 km) and result from up and down slip ruptures on both the volcanic ( ring) and tectonic faults that enclose the pipe at depth. {T}he up and down motions are likely driven by pressure changes in the magma reservoir. {H}ence, although a few rift faults were associated with seismicity, most remained seismically silent during the experiment. {I}n the companion paper, we analyze the seismic activity in the rift over the 23 years that followed its last rifting episode. {T}his confirms the importance of the {F}ieale-{S}hark {B}ay plumbing system in the overall rift behavior.}, keywords = {{ETHIOPIE} ; {MER} {ROUGE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch {S}olid {E}arth}, volume = {112}, numero = {{B}5}, pages = {art. no. {B}05405 [ {NIL}_1--{NIL}_22]}, ISSN = {0148-0227}, year = {2007}, DOI = {10.1029/2005{JB}003940}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069210}, }