@article{fdi:010069039, title = {{P}hylogenetic relationships of a new species of seed-beetle infesting {C}ercis siliquastrum {L}. in {C}hina and in {E}urope ({C}oleoptera : {C}hrysomelidae : {B}ruchinae : {B}ruchini)}, author = {{K}ergoat, {G}.{J}. and {D}elobel, {P}. and {D}elobel, {A}lex}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ruchidius siliquastri n. sp. is described. {T}his seed-beetle develops in pods of {C}ercis siliquastrum, a widely grown ornamental tree. {S}everal recent reports reveal that this species is well established in {S}outhern {F}rance. {T}he presence of this species is also reported from {H}ungary. {T}he relationships of this new species are investigated using both morphological data and molecular phylogenetic analyses. {O}ur results indicate that this species is likely related to a mostly {P}aleotropical group, which includes members of genera {B}ruchidius and {C}onicobruchus. {H}ypotheses on the geographic origin of this new species are also discussed.}, keywords = {{CHINE} ; {EUROPE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}nnales de la {S}ociete {E}ntomologique de {F}rance}, volume = {43}, numero = {3}, pages = {265--271}, ISSN = {0037-9271}, year = {2007}, DOI = {10.1080/00379271.2007.10697522}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069039}, }