@article{fdi:010068991, title = {{D}ebt bondage and the tricks of capital}, author = {{G}u{\'e}rin, {I}sabelle and {V}enkatasubramanian, {G}. and {K}umar, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}igrant labourers, free from rural bondage, are now bonded to other sources of debt, contracted from the agro-industry or construction sectors. {T}he flows of migration in the brick-making and sugar cane sectors in {T}amil {N}adu, where bondage coexists with many public welfare schemes, illustrate the persistence and renewal of this phenomenon. {T}he welfare schemes play the role of a safety net, but also contribute to low wages, and impunity on the part of employers. {A}lliances between capital and the state, through the politicisation of employers, are instrumental in the continuation of all forms of labour exploitation. {W}hen workers resist, employers tighten working conditions and start recruiting migrants from {N}orth {I}ndia. {A}nd even if these forms of labour management obey a capitalist logic, they are inseparable from the caste hierarchy.}, keywords = {{ECONOMIE} {RURALE} ; {TRAVAILLEUR} {MIGRANT} ; {CREDIT} ; {PAUVRETE} ; {EXPLOITATION} {ECONOMIQUE} ; {CONDITIONS} {DE} {TRAVAIL} ; {INTERVENTION} {DE} {L}'{ETAT} ; {CASTE} ; {SERVITUDE} {POUR} {DETTE} ; {INDE} ; {TAMIL} {NADU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}conomic and {P}olitical {W}eekly}, volume = {52}, numero = {26-27}, pages = {11--18 [en ligne]}, ISSN = {2349-8846}, year = {2015}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068991}, }