@article{fdi:010068990, title = {{REDD}+ on hold : lessons from an emerging institutionnal setup in {L}aos}, author = {{V}ongvisouk, {T}. and {L}estrelin, {G}uillaume and {C}astella, {J}ean-{C}hristophe and {M}ertz, {O}. and {B}roegaard, {R}.{B}. and {T}hongmanivong, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he prospects of receiving funding for {REDD}+ have set many developing countries on a pathway of policy reforms to integrate {REDD}+ in national legislation. {P}rogress has been slow partly due to the lengthy international negotiations on {REDD}+ but also because the policy reforms have not been backed by sufficient commitment to make {REDD}+ implementation feasible. {T}o contribute to a better understanding of why policy and institutional reforms have not been successful in taking {REDD}+ implementation further, we analyse the institutional landscape of the forestry and environmental sectors in {L}aos as a case in point. {W}e interviewed stakeholders from national to village levels and found that {REDD}+ has been effectively on hold in {L}aos. {T}his is because of recent institutional transformations, rapid staff turnover and limited implementation capacity of government agencies at the national and sub-national levels all of which have led to a heavy reliance on international support and external consultants. {T}he result is that {L}aos may not be ready to benefit from the international agreement on {REDD}+. {T}he situation in {L}aos provides a compelling example of how difficult {REDD}+ implementation has proven to be in countries where institution building is still in process.}, keywords = {{LAOS}}, booktitle = {{F}ood politics and relations in {E}ast {A}sia}, journal = {{A}sia {P}acific {V}iewpoint}, volume = {57}, numero = {3}, pages = {393--405}, ISSN = {1360-7456}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1111/apv.12134}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068990}, }