@article{fdi:010068951, title = {{C}onstraints from {GPS} measurements on the dynamics of deformation in {A}natolia and the {A}egean}, author = {{E}ngland, {P}. and {H}ouseman, {G}. and {N}ocquet, {J}ean-{M}athieu}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e estimate the strength of the lithosphere in {A}natolia and the {A}egean, and the boundary forces acting upon it, using a dynamical model that treats the lithosphere as a thin fluid sheet deforming in response to variations in gravitational potential energy. {T}his model has one free material parameter, the power law exponent, n, of the vertically averaged rheology of the lithosphere, and two parameters that specify the forces per unit length applied to its edges. {S}olutions to this model that best fit the velocities of 346 reliable {GPS} sites require an effective viscosity of the lithosphere of 10(22) to 10(21) {P}a s at strain rates of 10 to 100 nanostrain per year. {T}he best-fitting force at the {A}rabia-{A}natolia boundary is consistent with the lithostatic pressure due to the high topography there, and the force at the {N}ubia-{A}egean boundary is consistent with the contrast in lithostatic pressure across that boundary. {N}o additional force, from "slab rollback" or basal tractions due to convection in the mantle, is required to explain the observations. {T}hese results are supported by scaling relations derived from approximate analytical solutions. {T}he inverse relationship between the viscosity of the lithosphere and deviatoric stress produces strong slowly deforming regions in the {S}outhern {A}egean and {C}entral {A}natolia whose motions resemble those of microplates. {T}he distribution of geodetic strain rates within the region, and the partitioning between normal and strike-slip faulting, are explained by the interplay between boundary conditions, internal variations in gravitational potential energy, and the power law rheology of the lithosphere.}, keywords = {{TURQUIE} ; {GRECE} ; {CYCLADES} ; {ANATOLIE} ; {EGEE} {MER}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch : {S}olid {E}arth}, volume = {121}, numero = {12}, pages = {8888--8916}, ISSN = {2169-9313}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1002/2016jb013382}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068951}, }