@article{fdi:010068933, title = {{M}esorhizobium muleiense and {M}esorhizobium gsp nov are symbionts of {C}icer arietinum {L}. in alkaline soils of {G}ansu, {N}orthwest {C}hina}, author = {{Z}hang, {J}. {J}. and {Y}ang, {X}. and {G}uo, {C}. and {L}ajudie, {P}hilippe de and {S}ingh, {R}. {P}. and {W}ang, {E}. {T}. and {C}hen, {W}. {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}o describe the chickpea rhizobial diversity in {G}ansu {P}rovince of {C}hina, so far uninvestigated. {N}odule bacteria were isolated from chickpea grown in {G}ansu and characterized by phylogenetic analysis of 16{S} r{RNA} gene, housekeeping genes (atp{D}, rec{A}, and gln{II}), and symbiotic genes (nod{C} and nif{H}). {T}he genetic differentiation and gene flow among the chickpea microsymbionts were estimated and considered in view of soil characteristics. {A} total of nineteen new isolates originating from alkaline-saline (p{H} 7.9-8.1) soils in {G}ansu formed two clades by housekeeping gene analyses; clade {I} (16 isolates) was identified as {M}esorhizobium muleiense (97.7-98.7 % of similarities with the type strain {CCBAU} 83963({T})) and clade {II} (3 isolates) formed a separate group within {M}esorhizobium branch, displaying 97.0 and 96.6 % similarities with the most related type strains {M}. temperatum {SDW} 018({T}) and {M}. muleiense {CCBAU} 83963({T}), respectively. {T}heir symbiotic genes (nod{C} and nif{H}) were highly similar (> 98.0 %) with those described for chickpea microsymbionts in literature, i.e., {M}. muleiense, {M}. ciceri, and {M}. mediterraneum. {T}he genetic differentiation and gene flow between the chickpea rhizobial groups supported our conclusions for species affiliation. {M}. muleiense and a novel {M}esorhizobium genospecies, sharing similar symbiotic genes, are distributed in the alkaline-saline soils of {G}ansu and may be considered as the main and specific chickpea symbionts in the {N}orthwest of {C}hina.}, keywords = {{M}esorhizobium muleiense ; {C}icer arietinum {L} ; {S}ymbiotic genes ; {A}lkaline soils ; {C}hina ; {CHINE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lant and {S}oil}, volume = {410}, numero = {1-2}, pages = {103--112}, ISSN = {0032-079{X}}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1007/s11104-016-2987-x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068933}, }