@article{fdi:010068925, title = {{C}osmic ray exposure dating on the large landslide of {S}echilienne ({W}estern {A}lps) : a synthesis to constrain slope evolution}, author = {{S}chwartz, {S}. and {Z}erathe, {S}. and {J}ongmans, {D}. and {B}aillet, {L}. and {C}arcaillet, {J}. and {A}udin, {L}aurence and {D}umont, {T}. and {B}ourles, {D}. and {B}raucher, {R}. and {L}ebrouc, {V}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he 60 x 10(6) m(3) {S}echilienne landslide ({B}elledonne {M}assif, {W}estern {A}lps) is located on the right bank of the {E}ast-{W}est trending {R}omanche valley which is shaped by glacial and alluvial processes during the {Q}uaternary. {I}ts head scarp (>35 m high) was dated by {L}e {R}oux et al. (2009) using the cosmic ray exposure ({CRE}) method. {E}ven though these previous results revealed that the initiation of the instability occurred several thousand years after ice down-wastage in the valley, the internal landslide evolution is not constrained. {I}n this paper, we provide 63 additional {B}e-10 samples collected from the internal scarps and the main scarp, as well as on glacially polished rock surfaces. {T}he aim is to constrain the global landslide kinematics (internal and head scarps) and its relationship with glacier retreat. {R}esults from glacially polished surfaces point out that complex shielding processes (relict moraines, soil deposits and seasonal snow cover) might have affected rock dating. {D}espite scattering of the resulting ages, the dataset shows that the glacial retreat was achieved between 17.5 and 13 ka. {E}xposure ages obtained on gravitational scarps reveal that the landslide initiation occurred 8 to 6 ka ago. {F}rom the initiation until 2 ka the gravitational kinematics was slow (similar to 2 mm" year(-1)) and focused around the head scarp, leading to a general slope subsidence. {A}fter 2 ka, the exposure rates increased significantly (similar to 8 min. year(-1)) with the development of pervasive internal deformation of the landslide mass. {T}his new scenario for the 58chilienne slope reflects a progressive rock-slope weakening since 8 ka, associated with a continuous activity of a deep-seated surface failure.}, keywords = {{W}estern {A}lps ; {S}echilienne landslide ; {C}osmic ray exposure dating ; {S}lope evolution ; {FRANCE} ; {ALPES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eomorphology}, volume = {278}, numero = {}, pages = {329--344}, ISSN = {0169-555{X}}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.11.014}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068925}, }