@article{fdi:010068918, title = {{A}frican non-human primates host diverse enteroviruses}, author = {{M}ombo, {I}. {M}. and {L}ukashev, {A}. {N}. and {B}leicker, {T}. and {B}runink, {S}. and {B}erthet, {N}. and {M}aganga, {G}. {D}. and {D}urand, {P}. and {A}rnathau, {C}. and {B}oundenga, {L}. and {N}goubangoye, {B}. and {B}ou{\'e}, {V}. and {L}i{\'e}geois, {F}lorian and {O}llomo, {B}. and {P}rugnolle, {F}ranck and {D}rexler, {J}. {F}. and {D}rosten, {C}. and {R}enaud, {F}. and {R}ougeron, {V}. and {L}eroy, {E}ric}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}nteroviruses ({EV}s) belong to the family {P}icornaviridae and are responsible for mild to severe diseases in mammals including humans and non-human primates ({NHP}). {S}imian {EV}s were first discovered in the 1950s in the {O}ld {W}orld {M}onkeys and recently in wild chimpanzee, gorilla and mandrill in {C}ameroon. {I}n the present study, we screened by {PCR} {EV}s in 600 fecal samples of wild apes and monkeys that were collected at four sites in {G}abon. {A} total of 32 samples were positive for {EV}s (25 from mandrills, 7 from chimpanzees, none from gorillas). {T}he phylogenetic analysis of {VP}1 and {VP}2 genes showed that {EV}s identified in chimpanzees were members of two human {EV} species, {EV}-{A} and {EV}-{B}, and those identified in mandrills were members of the human species {EV}-{B} and the simian species {EV}-{J}. {T}he identification of two novel enterovirus types, {EV}-{B}112 in a chimpanzee and {EV}-{B}113 in a mandrill, suggests these {NHP}s could be potential sources of new {EV} types. {T}he identification of {EV}-{B}107 and {EV}90 that were previously found in humans indicates cross-species transfers. {A}lso the identification of chimpanzee-derived {EV}110 in a mandrill demonstrated a wide host range of this {EV}. {F}urther research of {EV}s in {NHP}s would help understanding emergence of new types or variants, and evaluating the real risk of cross-species transmission for humans as well for {NHP}s populations.}, keywords = {{GABON}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}los {O}ne}, volume = {12}, numero = {1}, pages = {e0169067 [18 p.]}, ISSN = {1932-6203}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0169067}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068918}, }