@article{fdi:010068915, title = {{H}uman {I}g{G} antibody response to {A}edes {N}term-34k{D}a salivary peptide, an epidemiological tool to assess vector control in chikungunya and dengue transmission area}, author = {{E}langa {N}dille, {E}mmanuel and {D}oucour{\'e}, {S}ouleymane and {P}oinsignon, {A}nne and {M}ouchet, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {C}orn{\'e}lie, {S}ylvie and {D}'{O}rtenzio, {E}. and {D}e{H}ecq, {J}. {S}. and {R}emou{\'e}, {F}ranck}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground {A}rboviral diseases are an important public health concerns. {V}ector control remains the sole strategy to fight against these diseases. {B}ecause of the important limits of methods currently used to assess human exposure to {A}edes mosquito bites, much effort is being devoted to develop new indicators. {R}ecent studies have reported that human antibody ({A}b) responses to {A}edes aegypti {N}term-34k{D}a salivary peptide represent a promising biomarker tool to evaluate the human-{A}edes contact. {T}he present study aims investigate whether such biomarker could be used for assessing the efficacy of vector control against {A}edes. {M}ethodology/{P}rincipal findings {S}pecific human {I}g{G} response to the {N}term-34k{D}a peptide was assessed from 102 individuals living in urban area of {S}aint-{D}enis at {L}a {R}eunion {I}sland, {I}ndian {O}cean, before and after the implementation of vector control against {A}edes mosquitoes. {I}g{G} response decreased after 2 weeks ({P} < 0.0001), and remained low for 4 weeks post-intervention ({P} = 0.0002). {T}he specific {I}g{G} decrease was associated with the decline of {A}edes mosquito density, as estimated by entomological parameters and closely correlated to vector control implementation and was not associated with the use of individual protection, daily commuting outside of the house, sex and age. {O}ur findings indicate a probable short-term decrease of human exposure to {A}edes bites just after vector control implementation. {C}onclusion/{S}ignificance {R}esults provided in the present study indicate that {I}g{G} {A}b response to {A}edes aegypti {N}term-34k{D}a salivary peptide could be a relevant short-time indicator for evaluating the efficacy of vector control interventions against {A}edes species.}, keywords = {{REUNION} ; {OCEAN} {INDIEN} ; {SAINT} {DENIS}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}los {N}eglected {T}ropical {D}iseases}, volume = {10}, numero = {12}, pages = {e0005109 [14 p.]}, ISSN = {1935-2735}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pntd.0005109}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068915}, }