@article{fdi:010068905, title = {{U}-{P}b geochronology on zircon and columbite-group minerals of the {C}ap de {C}reus pegmatites, {NE} {S}pain}, author = {{V}an {L}ichtervelde, {M}arieke and {G}rand'{H}omme, {A}. and de {S}aint-{B}lanquat, {M}. and {O}livier, {P}. and {G}erdes, {A}. and {P}aquette, {J}. {L}. and {M}elgarejo, {J}. and {D}ruguet, {E}. and {A}lfonso, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {C}ap de {C}reus granitic pegmatites in the eastern {C}atalan {P}yrenees were dated using in situ {U}-{P}b geochronology by laser ablation {ICP}-{MS} on zircon and columbite-group minerals ({CGM}), which are present in the different types of pegmatites from type {I} ({K}-feldspar pegmatites, least evolved) to type {IV} (albite pegmatites, most evolved) and therefore allow dating the different pegmatitic pulses. {I}n a type {III} pegmatite where zircon and {CGM} are co-genetically associated in the same sample, both minerals were dated using zircon and tantalite reference materials, respectively, to avoid laser-induced matrix-dependent fractionation. {I}n one sample, xenotime genetically associated with zircon was also dated. {T}wo ages were obtained for type {I} and three ages for type {III} pegmatites. {T}hree of these 5 ages range from 296.2 +/- 2.5 to 301.9 +/- 3.8 {M}a and are allocated to the primary magmatic stage of crystallization and therefore to the emplacement event. {T}wo younger ages (290.5 +/- 2.5 and 292.9 +/- 2.9 {M}a) obtained on secondary zircon and xenotime, respectively, are interpreted as late post-solidus hydrothermal remobilization. {T}here is no age difference between type {I} and type {III} pegmatites. {T}he mean 299 {M}a primary magmatic age allows the main late {C}arboniferous deformation event to be dated and is also synchronous with other peraluminous and calc-alkaline granites in the {P}yrenees. {H}owever, the youngest ages around 292 {M}a imply that tectonics was still active in {E}arly {P}ermian times in the {C}ap de {C}reus area.}, keywords = {{G}eochronology ; {P}egmatites ; {C}ap de{C}reus ; {Z}ircon ; {C}olumbite-group minerals ; {ESPAGNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}ineralogy and {P}etrology}, volume = {111}, numero = {1}, pages = {1--21}, ISSN = {0930-0708}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1007/s00710-016-0455-1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068905}, }