@article{fdi:010068901, title = {{H}istorical biogeography of {B}oraginales : {W}est {G}ondwanan vicariance followed by long-distance dispersal ?}, author = {{L}uebert, {F}. and {C}ouvreur, {T}homas and {G}ottschling, {M}. and {H}ilger, {H}. {H}. and {M}iller, {J}. {S}. and {W}eigend, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}im{T}o examine the historical biogeography of the {B}oraginales using molecular dating and ancestral area reconstruction. {L}ocation{W}orld-wide. {M}ethods{W}e constructed data sets that included all major clades of {B}oraginales and all orders of asterids using previously published sequences of four plastid markers (trn{L}-trn{F}, rps16, ndh{F}, rbc{L}). {W}e estimated divergence times using a {B}ayesian uncorrelated, lognormal relaxed clock approach with four different fossil calibration schemes. {A}ncestral areas were reconstructed using maximum likelihood methods ({D}ispersal-{E}xtinction-{C}ladogenesis). {R}esults{B}oraginales originated during the {E}arly to {L}ate {C}retaceous and started its diversification in the {L}ate {C}retaceous. {T}he inferred ancestral area of {B}oraginales includes the {A}mericas and {A}frica. {T}he two major clades of {B}oraginales diversified during the {E}arly {P}aleogene from {A}frican and {A}merican ancestors respectively. {E}arly branching families in both clades ({C}odonaceae and {W}ellstediaceae in one clade and {H}ydrophyllacee and {N}amaceae in the other) may have remained restricted to their areas of origin. {T}he other families started diversifying in several regions of the world during the {E}ocene ({B}oraginaceae s.str., {H}eliotropiaceae, {E}hretiaceae) or later ({C}ordiaceae). {M}ain conclusions{M}olecular dating and ancestral area reconstruction may be broadly consistent with the idea of a vicariant origin of the two major clades of {B}oraginales after the break-up of {W}est {G}ondwana, followed by several independent trans-oceanic dispersal events into most areas of the world. {H}owever, uncertainty in both divergence times and ancestral area reconstruction do not rule out the possibility of an origin involving long-distance dispersal.}, keywords = {{GONDWANA} ; ancestral area reconstruction ; {B}oraginaceae ; historical biogeography ; molecular dating ; vicariance ; {W}est {G}ondwana}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {B}iogeography}, volume = {44}, numero = {1}, pages = {158--169}, ISSN = {0305-0270}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1111/jbi.12841}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068901}, }