@article{fdi:010068890, title = {{N}ouvel examen des ossements humains de {M}oulin {Q}uignon ({S}omme, {F}rance). Étude anthropologique, taphonomique et premi{\`e}re datation par le radiocarbone}, author = {{V}ialet, {A}. and {L}{\'e}v{\^e}que, {J}. {C}. {F}. and {L}ebon, {M}. and {T}ombret, {O}. and {Z}azzo, {A}. and {F}roment, {A}lain and {C}harlier, {P}. and {V}ercout{\`e}re, {C}. and {H}urel, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{D}uring years 1863 and 1864, {J}acques {B}oucher de {P}erthes (1788-1868) drove the discovery of a series of human remains from the {M}oulin {Q}uignon stone pit, near {A}bbeville ({S}omme, {F}rance), site known for a while for its {A}cheulean lithic industry regarded as an official evidence for the great antiquity of {M}an. {T}hese anthropological remains, instead of supporting the previous findings, have casted doubt on the site as a whole. {W}e tried to understand the issue in investigating these anthropological pieces and putting them back in their scientific and historic context. {T}wenty-eight remains have been identified in the anthropological collections of the {M}useum national d'{H}istoire naturelle, which seem to, correspond to only a part of the discovered bones as listed in written descriptions. {W}hereas we attributed them to {H}omo sapiens, their position in the {A}cheulean levels of {M}oulin {Q}uignon appeared inconsistent. {T}o remove doubt about their antiquity, two bones (skull and tibia fragments) were dated by radiocarbon method. {R}esulting dates, from recent historical period, confirmed their intrusive position in the site. {R}esults of bio-archaeological and taphonomical studies point to nearby cemeteries as likely "providing sources".}, keywords = {{H}omo sapiens ; {B}io-archaeology ; {P}athology ; {E}pistemology ; {E}volutionnist ; {M}andible ; {C}ranium ; {M}orphometry ; {FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}nthropologie}, volume = {120}, numero = {4}, pages = {389--427}, ISSN = {0003-5521}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.anthro.2016.05.004}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068890}, }